Expanding the possibilities for your business with a storage system
IBM System Storage N6000 series
■ Meet diverse and changing | ■ Maximize your resources. |
needs. Consolidate diverse | Highly efficient storage utiliza |
data sets onto a unified storage | tion makes it possible for you |
platform that provides simulta | to dramatically reduce your |
neous block and file services | consumption of raw storage, |
for business and technical | power, cooling, and space. |
applications. |
Today’s business environment demands innovation and increasingly flawless execution. You are asked to manage and protect valuable data to enable business growth and success. Change can be continuous and your IT opera tions have to evolve while adhering to hard limits on budget, staffing, and infrastructure. Virtualized computing, the latest wave of change, is quickly becoming the norm. It calls for net worked storage systems that you can use to consolidate diverse data sets and unlock the full potential of virtual ized servers.
Now you can simultaneously meet your diverse
■Perform when your applications need it most. Outstanding file- based and
■Respond to growth. Thin provi sioning helps you eliminate stranded storage. Preserve investments in staff expertise and capital equipment with
■Improve your business effi ciency. Clients with different storage subsystems in their SAN environments can now take advantage of the N6000 series Gateway capabilities to help improve business effi ciency and reduce data management complexity.
series systems, you get outstanding value: our flexible systems offer excel lent performance and impressive scala bility at a low total cost of ownership.