/* */
/* Application Development Manager recognizes following */
/* substitution variables in a build options part (part of */
/* type BLDOPT): */
/* */
/* */
/* &F - Source file name of the part being compiled. */
/* */
/* &L - Library name associated with the group containing */
/* the part being compiled. */
/* */
/* &N - Object/member name of the part being compiled. */
/* */
/* &O - Name of the library where the output object of the */
/* BLDPART command is placed. */
/* */
/* &ZA - Language attribute of the source part being compiled, */
/* not of the output part. */
/* */
/* &ZC - &ZC is replaced with BLDPART. */
/* */
/* &ZD - &ZD is replaced by the type of the output part created */
/* by the BLDPART command. If the source part has not */
/* been previously built, this is the same as the type */
/* of the source part. */
/* */
/* &ZE - &ZE is replaced by the name of the output part being */
/* created by the BLDPART command. If the source part has */
/* not been previously built, this is the same as the name */
/* of the source part. */
/* */
/* For a user-defined type of *NONE, &ZE is set to the */
/* first output member met by the BLDPART command, or the */
/* name of the part with the user-defined type of *NONE, */
/* if the part has not been processed before. */
/* */
/* &ZG - Name of the group where the outputs of the BLDPART */
/* command are placed. */
/* */
/* &ZN - Name of the part being compiled. */
/* */
/* &ZO - The value of the Build Scope parameter on the BLDPART */
/* command. The values are *NORMAL, *LIMITED, *DIRCHAIN, and */
/* *EXTENDED. */
/* */
/* &ZP - Name of the project containing the part being compiled. */
/* */
/* &ZS - The value of the Search Path parameter on the BLDPART */
/* command. This value is the name of the search path part. */
/* */
/* &ZT - Type of part being compiled. */
/* */
/* &ZY - Name of the part-list part specified on the PARTL */
/* parameter. */
/* */
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