mWater temperature
⁄1Cursor position
⁄2Latitude/longitude lines
⁄3Alarm indication
This field shows the current water temperature.
If no water temperature sensor is installed, the field is blank.
This field shows the current ship speed.
If no speed data is found, the field is blank.
This field shows the current azimuth of the bow (at which the ship is navigated).
“T” or “M” indicates ture or magnetic bearing, respectively. See p. 64 for settings.
This field shows the destination No., the destination azimuth relative to the current
ship position, the distance from the ship to the destination, and the deviation out of
course. The deviation out of course is indicated graphically.
This field shows the intersection position of the cross hair cursor (in latitude/longi-
tude) and the azimuth and distance of the intersection relative to the current ship
position. Aligning the intersection of the cross hair cursor with the mark yields the
position data of the mark.
The latitude and longitude lines can be displayed by operation on the Screen
Setting screen (☞P. 18).
Alarms that can be displayed in this field include shoal alarm, depth alarm or fish
alarm for the fishfinder mode, and arrival alarm or range alarm for the plotter mode.