The ID TECH Hybrid Insert Reader with the standard or metal bezel can be mounted via the front
mounting fl anges. Side mounting studs are also provided.
The reader can be mounted in any orientation, but the preferred position is with the printed circuit
board (PCB) on top (so that debris will not accumulate on its surface). It accepts a 26-pin Molex
connector 51110-2650 or equivalent for power, ground, and I/O signals. The connector pin-out is
provided in Appendix C.
The ID TECH Hybrid Insert Reader is easy to operate. Make sure the reader is properly
connected and securely mounted in position.
Reading a Magnetic Stripe Card: (reader is mounted with the PCB up)
1. Insert the card, magnetic stripe down and toward the thick (right) side of the bezel, into the
reader as far as it will go, using one continuous motion. Media Detect, Data, and Clock signals for
all bits read will be sent as they are decoded.
2. Withdraw the card in one continuous motion. (The reader is capable of reading a magnetic
stripe on both insertion and withdrawal, but a more reliable read is achieved on withdrawal.)
When reading on withdrawal, Media Detect, Data, and Clock signals for all bits read will again be
sent as they are decoded. (The data will be output as a mirror image of the encoded card data
because the card is moved in a reverse direction.)
Reading a Smart Card:
1. Insert the card, chip up (facing the PCB), into the reader as far as it will go. There will be a hard
2. If the “latch” option is present, the latch can be engage to prevent the withdrawal of the card
prior to the completion of processing.
3. When processing is completed and the latch (if present) has disengaged, withdraw the card.