• Commands joined by a dash “–” mean that the key combination must be
pressed in order and with all keys held down at the same time.
• Commands joined by a plus “+” mean that the key following the “+”
must be pressed after the initial key combination is pressed and released.
• The keyboard provides 2 separate color-coded function keys (blue <Fn>
and green <Fn>) that enable you to navigate the device or access
numbers and symbols. In the tables below, the blue <Fn> key is to the
left of the spacebar and is referred to as <LFn>. The green <Fn> key is
to the right of the spacebar and is referred to as <RFn>.
Moving the Cursor/Highlighting Text
You can easily navigate, position the cursor, and select text for subsequent
editing functions with these key combinations:
Action Shortcut
The cursor moves left (back) one word <Ctrl>–<Õ>
The cursor moves right (forward) one word <Ctrl>–<Ö>
Select (highlight) next character to the left <LFn>–<Õ>
Select (highlight) next character to the right <LFn>–<Ö>
Select (highlight) previous line <LFn>–<×>
Select (highlight) next line <LFn>–<Ø>
Select (highlight) the next word to the left <Ctrl>–<LFn>–<Õ>
Select (highlight) the next word to the right <Ctrl>–<LFn>–<Ö>
Select (highlight) the previous paragraph <Ctrl>–<LFn>–<×>
Select (highlight) the next paragraph <Ctrl>–<LFn>–<Ø>
Beginning of the line <RFn>–<Õ>
End of the line <RFn>–<Ö>
Page up one page at a time <RFn>–<×>
Page down one page at a time <RFn>–<Ø>
The cursor moves to the beginning of the document <Ctrl>–<RFn>–<Õ>
The cursor moves to the end of the document <Ctrl>–<RFn>–<Ö>
The cursor moves to the top of the page <Ctrl>–<RFn>–<×>
The cursor moves to the bottom of the page <Ctrl>–<RFn>–<Ø>
Stowaway Ultra-Slim Owner’s Manual for Windows Mobile
Page 19