Type of fabric and
degree of soil Programmes Temp e-
Detergent Fabric
Stain removal
Description of wash cycle
wash wash
Cotton: Extremely so iled whites
(sheets, tablecloths, etc.) 190°C 137 Pre-wash, wash cycle, rins e cycles,
intermediate and final spin cycles
Cotton: Extremely so iled whites
(sheets, tablecloths, etc.) 290°C Delicat e/
Tradi t i o n al 129 Wash cycle, rinse cycles,
intermediate and final spin cycles
Cotton: Heavily soiled whites and
fast colours 260°C Delicate/
Tradi t i o n al 139 Wash cycle, rinse cycles,
intermediate and final spin cycles
Cotton: Heavily soiled whites and
delicate colou rs 240°C Delicate/
Tradi t i o n al 131 Wash cycle, rinse cycles,
intermediate and final spin cycles
Cotton: Slightly s oiled w hites
and delicate colours (shirts,
jumpers, et c.)
340°C Delicate/
Tradi t i o n al 78 Wash cycle, rinse cycles,
intermediate and final spin cycles
Synthetics: Heavily soiled fas t
colours (baby linen, etc.) 460°C Delicate 79 Wash cycle, rinse cycles, an ti-
crease or delicate spin cycle
Synthetics: Heavily soiled fas t
colours (baby linen, etc.) 440° C D elicate 65 Wash cycle, rins e cycles, anti-
crease or delicate spin cycle
Wool - Hand wash 540°C 51 Wash cycle, rinse c ycles, anti-
crease and delicate s pin cycle
Very delicate fa brics (curt ains,
silk, viscose, etc.) 630°C 52 Wash c ycle, rinse cycles, anti-
crease or draining cycle
Time 4 you
Cotton: Heavily soiled whites and
fast colours 760°C 60 Wash cycle, rinse cycles,
intermediate and final spin cycles
Cotton: Slightly so iled wh ites
and delicate colours (shirts,
jumpers, et c.)
840°C 50 Wash cycle, rinse cycles,
intermediate and final spin cycles
Synthetics: Delicate colours (all
types of slightly s oiled garments) 940°C 40 Wash cycle, rins e cycles,
delicate sp in cycle
Synthetics: Delicate colours (all
types of slightly s oiled garments) 10 30°C 30 Wash cycle, rins e cycles and
delicate sp in cycle
Sports shoes (MAX. 2 pairs) 11 30°C 50
Cold wash (without detergen ts),
wash cycle, rinse cycles, and
delicate spin cycle
Fabrics for sportswear
(Tracksuits, shorts, etc.) 12 30°C 60 Wash cycle, rinse cycles,
intermediate and final spin cycles
MEMO Allows for any wash cycle to be stored (see page 5 )
Rinse Delicate/
Tradi t i o n al Rinse cycles and spin cycle
Spin Draining and spin cycle
Drain Draining
Starting and Programmes