Type of fabric and degree of soil Programme
knob Temper ature
knob Detergent
for wash Fabric
softener Length of
the cycle
Description of wash cycle
Exceptionally soiled whites
(sheets, tablecloths, etc.) 1 90°C ◆◆◆
165 Warm prewash, wash cycle at 90°C, rinse
cycles, intermediate and final spin cycles
Exceptionally soiled whites
(sheets, tablecloths, etc.) 2 90°C ◆◆
145 Wash cycle at 90°C, rinse cycles,
intermediate and final spin cycles
Heavily soiled whites and fast colours 3 60°C ◆◆
130 Wash cycle at 60°C, rinse cycles,
intermediate and final spin cycles
Slightly soiled whites and delicate
colours (shirts, jumpers, etc.) 4 40°C ◆◆
95 Wash cycle at 40°C, rinse cycles,
intermediate and final spin cycles
Rinse cycles Rinse cycles, intermediate and final
spin cycles
Spin cycle Draining and final spin cycle
Drying cycle for cotton fabrics
Stop/Reset Interrupts/Cancels the selected programme
Heavily soiled fast colour synthetics
(baby linen, etc.) 5 60°C ◆◆
100 Wash cycle at 60°C, rinse cycles,
anti-crease or delicate spin cycle
Heavily soiled fast colour synthetics
(baby linen, etc.) 6 50°C ◆◆
95 Wash cycle at 50°C, rinse cycles,
anti-crease or delicate spin cycle
Delicate colour synthetics
(all types of slightly soiled garments) 7 40°C ◆◆70 Wash cycle at 40°C, rinse cycles,
anti-crease or delicate spin cycle
Delicate colour synthetics
(all types of slightly soiled garments)8 30°C ◆◆30 Wash cycle at 30°C, rinse cycles and
delicate spin cycle
Rinse cycles Rinse cycles, anti-crease or delicate
spin cycel
Fabric softener Rinse cycles with automatic introduction of
softener, anti-crease or delicate spin cycle
Spin cycle Draining and delicate spin cycle
Drying cycle for synthetic fabrics
Stop/Reset Interrupts/Cancels the selected programme
Wool 9 40°C ◆◆60 Wash cycle at 40°C, rinse cycles and
delicate spin cycle
Particularly delicate garments and
fabrics (curtains, silk, viscose, etc.) 10 30° C ◆◆50 Wash cycle at 30°C, rinse cycles,
anti-crease or draining
Rinse cycles Rinse cyclesi, anti-crease or draining
Spin cycle Draining and delicate spin cycle
Draining Draining
Stop/Reset Interrupts/Cancels the selected programme
A programme for all seasons

What are you washing today?

Instructions for installation and use
Daily wash Your washer-dryer has a programme available for the washing of lightly soiled garments in a short amount of time.
By setting programme 8 at a temperature of 30°C, you can wash different types of fabrics together (except for wool and silk), with a
maximum load of 3 kg. This programmes allows you to save on both time and energy as it only lasts around 30 minutes.
We recommend the use of liquid detergent.
Important: to cancel the wash programme you have just set, select one of the symbols (Stop/Reset) and wait for at least 5 seconds.

Special programme

The data found in the table is purely indicative, and can vary according to the quantity and type of washing, the water system temperature andthe room temperature.