Settings for Infi nity USB Unlimited are accessed from the menu
‘Options > General’ and are divided into 3 tabs: General,
Advanced and Startup.
‘Autoload last opened fi les’
Automatically loads the last opened fi les, when the application
‘Remember directory on fi le load’
Remembers which folder you last opened fi les from.
‘Use embedded Int. EEprom in fl ash-fi le’
Some hex fi les contain data for both the fl ash and int. EEprom,
this is normal for PIC-based smartcards but has to be enabled
for AVR-based smartcards, by checking the checkbox.
‘Auto close status window when programming is successful’
When programming a smartcard a status window is displayed
with information. If this option is enabled the status window
automatically closes when programming is fi nished.
‘Beep when done’
Generates a standard Windows sound when programming is
fi nished.
‘Supress general warnings’
If enabled most minor warnings are not displayed.
‘Disable verify of ext. EEprom’
Normally data is automatically verifi ed when programming a
card, this option makes it possible to disable verifi cation of ext.
EEprom. This could increase speed during this type of program-
ming, but errors would not be discovered.
Advanced software usage > Settings