Presets: This allows you to customize settings and save the settings to be
restored later. To restore the factory default settings, choose Factory Reset in
the Settings>Service menu.
To set a preset for the current source, adjust the image, select Save Settings
in the Presets menu, then choose Save User 1, 2, or 3. You can recall these
settings in the future by selecting the appropriate user presets.
Gamma: Gamma tables contain preset intensity configurations optimized
for the input source. You can select a gamma table that has been specifically
tuned for either film, CRT (Cathode Ray Tube), video, Bright Room, or PC
input. (Film input is material originally captured on a film camera, like a
movie; video input is material originally captured on a video camera, like a
TV show or sporting event.) White Peaking increases the brightness of
whites that are near 100%.
NOTE: Your viewing preferences may vary. Cycle through the gamma
options and pick the one you like the best.
SP4805-02_usrguide.fm Page 34 Friday, June 11, 2004 8:22 AM