Ceiling Mount Kit (10 base box) SP-CEI L-LM9x
Ceiling Mount Adapter Plate (10 base box) SP-CEIL-P9
Ceiling Mount Adapter Plate (12 base box) SP-CEIL-P9A
LiteMount False Ceiling Plate SP-LTMT-PLT
LiteMount Pipe Tubing Extension-Black SP-LTMT-EXT
LiteMount Pipe Tubing Extension-Gray SP-LTMT-EXT-GRAY
CableWizard Extension Cable Wall Plate SP-CWWALL
Wired Remote Cable SP-WIREM
GyroMouse Pro RF Remote (40, not limited to
line of sight)
RemotePoint RF Remote Control w Laser Pointer HW-RF-REMLSR
GyroMouse Presenter RF Remote Control HW-RF-GPRES
Full-Feature L aserPro Remote C ontrol HW-LASERPRO
Executive Plus Remote Control (4 Button) HW-EXPLUS
Executive Remote IR Receiver HW-EXRCVR
PC Guardian Projector Cable Lock SP-LOCK
40 Diagonal Portable Projection Screen HW-PORTSCR40
50 Diagonal Portable Projection Screen HW-PORTSCR50
60 Diagonal Portable Projection Screen HW-DLXSCRN
84 Diagonal Pull Down Projection Screen HW-WALLSCR84
Portable Projector Stand SP-STND
Deluxe Wheeled Projector and Computer Cart HW-CART
Appian Traveler (Digital/Analog CardBus PC
eBeam (Web Enabled Electronic Meeting
BNC to BNC Cable (Composite Video) SP-BNC
5BNC to 5BNC Cable SP-5TO5
5BNC to HD15 Cable (VESA) SP-5TO15
S-Video Cable SP-SVIDEO
15 Mac Extension Cable SP-MAC15
50 Mac Cable-Domestic SP-MAC50-D
50 Mac Cable-International SP-MAC50-I
15 VGA Extension Cable SP-VGA15
50 VGA Cable-Domestic SP- VGA50-D
50 VGA Cable-International SP-VGA50-I