Parts and Maintenance
When the life of the tool has expired, it is recommended t hat the tool be disassemble d, degreased and parts be separated by
material so that they can be recycled.
Tool repair and maintenance should only be carried out by an authorized Service Center.
Refer all communicat ions to the nearest Ingersoll Rand Office or Distributor.
Related Documentation
For additional information refer to:
Product Safety Information Manuals 04584959, 04580 387 and 04580288.
Product Information Manuals 16576282, 16576308 and 80221096.
Product Maintenance Information Manual 16575060.
Manuals can be downloaded from www.irtools.com.
Additional parts for all
models ending in P63 or H63 * Variable Speed Control Assembly
(with piped away exhaust) LG1-A1015
35 Wheel Guard AG20-106-3 Ø Piped Away Exhaust Kit LG1-K284
36 Guard Lock Washer (3) R2-320 + 50 Exhaust Hose Adapter LG1-284
37 Guard Mounting Screws (3) LA1-667 + 51 Exhaust Hose Retainer LG1-67
38 Wheel Flange (for P63) R0A2D61-337 + 52 Exhaust Hose 3RL-284
39 Flange Nut * Bur Kit LG1-K1
for P63 AG21-337A-3 * 2” Abrasive Pa d Kit LG1-K2
for H63 LA1-388 * 3” Abrasive Pad Kit
(for CA120 models only) LG1-K3
40 Flange Spacer (for P63) LA2-111
41 Guard Adapter Assemb l y LA1-A710 * Shroud Kit (for collet models onl y) LA1-K980
42 Guard Pinch Bolt 804-634 * No. 10 Oil (4 oz. bottle) 10Z4
Additional parts for
all models ending in S4 * No. 63 Oil (4 oz. bottle) 63Z4
* No. 67 Grease (1 lb. can) 67-1LB
43 Sanding Pad
(stand ar d on mo dels ending
in S4M, S4MC or S4ML; optional on
models endi ng in S4, S4C or S4L)
* No. 77 Grease (1 lb. can) 77-1LB
* Shroud Kit (for non-col l et model s) LA1-K975
for CA120 (3” diameter) 3-PAD
for CA200 (2” diameter) 2-PAD
Accessories for CA models
44 Collet Body Wrench/Collet Nut Wrench
(7/16” x 11/16” ) (included with all
models ending in G4, G4C or G4L)
46 Arbor Bearing Cap Wrench
for models ending in S4, S4C
or S4L AG210-29
for models ending in H63 LA1-29
47 Clamp Nut Wrench
(included with all models) LA2-253
48 Arbor Wren ch (3/16” hex)
(included with all
models ending in P63, P63C or P63L)
49 Wheel Nut Wrench (includ ed with all
models ending in P63, P63C or P63L) D32-26
* Not illustrated.
Ø When ordering a Piped-Away Exhaust Kit, make certain the wrench hex on the Inlet Assembly of your tool is threaded. If it is
NOT threaded, order a new Inlet Assembly (Part No. LG1-A465A).
+ St andard equipment on models ending in M, MC or ML and ALL Front Exhaust mo de ls; optional equ ip m en t on a l l o t he r m od el s.