Page2of4 650453-X
•Disconnect air line from pump air motor when system sits idle for
long periods of time.
•Materialsand solvents being pumped by this pump must be compat-
iblewith the parts of this pump that come in contact with the material
and solvent.
•SERVICING. Before servicing or cleaning pump,or removing fluid
hoseor gun from a unit that has been used, be sure to disconnect air
lines and carefully bleed the pressure off the system.
occurs, fire or explosion could result. Pump, dispensing valve and
containers must be grounded when handling inflammable fluids
such as petroleum products, paints, lacquers, etc. and wherever
discharge of static electricity is a hazard.
•Usegrounded hoses (static wire) and be sure the object is grounded
If it can produce a static charge.
•Checkcontinuity (a good static wire connection) with an ohmmeter.
Place one probe on one hose fitting and the other probe on other
hose fitting, continuity or proper grounding through hose is good
when a reading is obtained on the ohmmeter.
•PREVENTFIRES. When pumping, flushing or recirculating volatile
solvents, the area must be adequately ventilated.
•Keepsolvents away from heat, sparks and open flames. Keep con-
tainers closed when not in use.
•CAUTION: Do not allow pump to operate when out of material.
•Excessive air pressure will shorten the life of the pump. DO NOT
•Formaximum operating efficiency,the following air supply specifica-
tions should be maintained to this pump.
a) AIR PRESSURE - up to 150 p.s.i. (10.3 bar)
b) AIR FILTRATION- 50 micron
d) AIR INLET SIZE 1/2 - 14 N.P.T.F.
•Filteredand oiled air will allow the pump to operate more efficiently
and yield a longer life to operating parts and mechanisms.
•Lack of or an excessiveamount of lubrication will affect the perfor-
mance and life of this pump. Use only recommended lubricants.
•DAILYFill air line lubricator reservoir with a good grade of S.A.E.
NO.90 W non-detergent gear oil, adjust to 1 to 2 drops per minute.
•Ifpump is to be inoperative for more than a few hours at a time, dis-
connect air supply and relieve all pressure from the system.
•Itis recommended that an oiler be installed in the air line as close as
possibleto the pump. This increases the service life of the pump by
reducing wear of the air motor’s internal parts.
•The 650453-5 or -8 pump is to be mounted in the 2” bung of a 55
gallon drum.
•The 650453-7, -9, -10 or -11pump is to be wall mounted. A 61113
pump mounting bracket may be used to mount pump to wall.
1. Connect fluid hose to pump outlet. Be sure all fittings are tight.
2. Turn air regulator knob counter-clockwise until it turns free.
3. Pumphas been tested in oil and a small amount remains for protec-
tionagainst rusting. Immerse lower pump end in compatible solvent.
4. Connectair hose coupler to connector on Filter - Regulator - Lubri-
5. Turnair regulator knob clockwise until air motor starts. Flush pump
until oil is removed.
6. Disconnect air supply to air motor.
•CAUTION: Solvent used for flushing may not be compatible with
materialto be pumped. If this is the case, flush again with a compat-
ible solvent.
•Ifpump is to be inoperative for an unspecified period of time, discon-
nect air and relieve all pressure.
•If pump does not function properly, disconnect air and relieve all
pressure. Refer to “Trouble Shooting”.
1. Turn air regulator knob clockwise until air motor starts to cycle.
2. Allowpump to cycle slowly until it is primed and all air is purged from
thefluid hose or dispensing valve. Turn off dispensing valve and al-
low pump to stall - check all fittings for any leakage.
3. Change air regulator setting until desired pressure and flow is ob-
4. Inspectair line filter, open petcock, to flush moisture or residue from
5. Pump is recommended to operate between 30 p.s.i. (2.1 bar) and
120 p.s.i. (8.3 bar) (not to exceed 75 cycles per minute).
Thebasic pump consists of two major components: 1. Air Motor, 2. Low-
er Pump End. The air motor is connected to the lower pump end by a
spacersection and solvent cup. The air motor is removable and is to be
serviced separately.Refer to air motor manual for service and parts.
•Periodicallyflush entire pump system with a solvent that is compat-
ible with the material being pumped.
•Keep solvent cup filled with this compatible solvent. This will keep
material from drying on the piston rod, which would drag thru the
packings, ruin them and eventually scour the piston rod.
•Refer to Disassembly Procedures of air motor for correct break-
•Disassembly should be done on a clean work bench with clean
cloths to keep parts clean.
•If replacement parts are necessary, consult drawing containing
parts for identification.
•Before assembling, lubricate parts where required. When assem-
bling“O” rings or parts adjacent to “O” rings, care must be exercised
to prevent damage to “O” rings and “O” ring groove surfaces.
Special Tools:
•Strap wrench (PN 640081-B)
•Truarc retaining ring pliers (external)
Air motor Piston Rod
Pump Piston Rod
Snap Ring
Spacer Tube
Strap Wrench
(Solvent Cup not shown)