NS-14T002 Insignia Flex™ Android Tablet
2From the Settings screen, you can access the following:WIRELESS and NETWORKS
Wi-Fi Touch to turn Wi-Fi on or off.
Bluetooth Touch to turn Bluetooth on or off.
Data Usage Displays how much data is being used. Touch to see the data usage cycle.
More Touch to switch to airplane mode or set up VPN (virtual private network).
Sound Touch to set the volume and sound level for media, notifications and alarms.
Display Touch to adjust Brightness, Wallpaper, Sleep, Daydream, Font size, and Wireless display.
Storage Touch to view the amount of internal storage being used and the total space available.
Battery Touch to view battery life and percentage remaining.
Apps Touch to manage and uninstall applications.
Users Touch to manage users.
Location access Touch to manage location access and location sources.
Security Touch to adjust screen security.
Language & input Touch to set language, spell checker, and keyboard.
Backup & reset Touch to perform factory data reset.
Email Touch to manage email accounts.
Add account Touch to add an email account or other sync options accounts.
Date & time Touch to set date and time automatically or manuall y.
Accessibility Touch to adjust text display.
About tablet Touch to view software version and if there is a software update available.
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