NS-28D310NA15 Insignia 28" LED TV
View photos in a slideshowYou can view your photos in a slideshow.
1Switch to USB mode. See “Switch to USB mode”
on page49. The PHOTOS menu opens.
2If the photos you want to view are in a folder on
the USB flash drive, select the folder. For
information about selecting a folder, see
“Browse photos” on page 49 or “View favorite
photos” on page50.
3Press MENU. The PHOTOS menu opens again.
4Press S or T to highlight View Slideshow, then
press ENTER. A slideshow starts with the first
photo in the current folder.
5To control the slideshow:
Customize slideshow settingsYou can customize the slideshow settings,
including Repeat, Shuffle, Speed, and Transi tion .
1Switch to USB mode. See “Switch to USB mode”
on page49. The PHOTOS menu opens.
2Press S or T to highlight Settings, then press
ENTER. The PHOTOS· SET TINGS menu opens.
3Press S or T to highlight an option, then press
ENTER. You can select:
•Repeat—Repeats the slideshow when it
reaches the end. You can select On or Off.
•Shuffle—Displays the slideshow photos in
random order. You can select On or Off.
•Speed—Sets the amount of time a photo is
displayed before the slideshow moves to the
next photo. You can select 4Sec, 6Sec, or
•Trans ition —Selects the way photos transition
when moving to the next file in the slideshow.
You c an s ele ct:
•None—No transition effect.
•Fade to Bl ack—Fades the screen to black
between photos.
•Verti cal W ipe —Wipes the screen from top
to bottom between photos.
•Horizontal Wipe—Wipes the screen from
left to right between photos.
•Random—Randomly selects a transition
4Press EXIT to close the menu.
Press... To...
MENU Press to open the PHOTOS
(previous) Return to the pre vious photo.
(next) Go to the next photo.
Pause the slideshow. Press
again to resume the
(pause) Pause the slideshow.
X (play) When paused, press to
resume the slideshow.
Press to stop the slideshow
and return to the thumbnail