V2 ENGLISH 14-0754
BREWING COFFEE USING A K-CUP® CAPSULE1 Place your coee maker on a dry, level, heat-resistant
2 Place the water reservoir lter in the water reservoir.
3 Fill the water reservoir with 6 to 10 oz of water. The water
levels are marked on the water lter. DO NOT place any
liquid other than water in the water reservoir.
4 Press the brew chamber release button on the top, front of
your coee maker to release the top cover.
5 If the brew basket is inside is the brew chamber, remove it.
Place the K-Cup capsule holder into the brew chamber.
6 Insert a K-Cup® capsule into the capsule holder. NEVER
remove or puncture the foil top of the K-Cup® capsule
before inserting it into your coee maker.
7 Close the top cover of your coee maker. Make sure that it is
completely closed.
Note: If the top cover is not completely closed, the capsule
puncturing mechanism does not puncture the K-cup
8 Place a mug on the drip tray, under the brew spout.
9 Plug the power cord into a power outlet, then press the
CAPSULE button. The brew cycle starts and the CAPSULE
button ashes throughout the brewing cycle.
10 The CAPSULE button stops blinking and your coee maker
turns o when the brew cycle is over.
• For stronger coee, use ll the water reservoir with less
• Keep the mug in place at the end of the brew cycle to
catch any excess drips.
• To stop the brewing cycle at any time, press the ashing
CAPSULE button.
Note: Do not leave a used coee capsule in your coee
maker. Wait for your coee maker to cool, press the brew
chamber release button, then carefully remove and discard
the used capsule. Lower the top cover.
BREWING COFFEE USING COFFEE GROUNDS1 Place your coee maker on a dry, level, heat-resistant surface.
2 Place the water reservoir lter in the water reservoir.
3 Fill the water reservoir with 6 oz to 14 oz of water. The water
levels are marked on the water lter. DO NOT place any liquid
other than water in the water reservoir.
4 Press the brew chamber release button on the top, front of your
coee maker to release the top cover.
5 If the K-Cup capsule holder is inside is the brew chamber,
remove it. Place the brew basket into the brew chamber.
6 Place coee grounds into the brew basket. NEVER ll above the
MAX marking.
7 Close the top cover. Make sure that it is completely closed.
8 Place a mug on the drip tray, under the brew spout.
9 Press the GROUND button. The brew cycle starts and the
GROUND button ashes throughout the brewing cycle.
10 The GROUND button stops blinking and your coee maker
turns o when the brew cycle is over.
• For stronger coee, use ll the water reservoir with less
• Keep the mug in place at the end of the brew cycle to catch
any excess drips.
• To stop the brewing cycle at any time, press the ashing
GROUND button.
Note: Do not leave used coee grounds in your coee maker.
Wait for your coee maker to cool, press the brew chamber
release button on the top, then carefully remove and empty
the brew basket. Lower the top cover.
DESCALING:Residue from coee or water may build up in your coee maker.
You should descale your coee maker on a regular basis to remove
the residue. The frequency for descaling your coee maker
depends on amount of use and local water conditions. As a general
rule, you should descale every three months. Specic descaling
products for coee makers are available in stores and online. If you
use a descaling product, follow the instructions that came with the
You can also use white vinegar to descale your coee maker.
To descale your coee maker:
1 Make sure that your coee maker's power cord is disconnected
from the power outlet.
2 Fill the water reservoir with undiluted white vinegar.
Note: If you are using a descaling product, follow the
instructions that came with the product.
3 Place a mug on the drip tray, under the brew spout.
Note: Make sure that your mug is large enough to hold all of
the contents in the water reservoir.
4 Make sure that there is no coee capsule or coee grounds in
your coee maker, then close the top cover.
5 Plug the power cord into a power outlet, then press both the
CAPSULE and GROUND buttons at the same time. Both
buttons light. Your coee maker runs ve cycles of
approximately 30 seconds each cycle. After the fth cycle is
complete, your coee maker automatically turns o.
6 Empty the mug. Use extreme caution because the vinegar may
be hot.
7 Fill the water reservoir with eight ounces of distilled or bottled
water, then run a full brew cycle without a coee capsule or
coee grounds.
8 Run three additional brew cycles using fresh distilled or bottled
water each time. Do not use a coee capsule or coee grounds.
These additional cycles clean your coee maker and get rid of
any residual taste from the vinegar or descaling product.
To store your coee maker:
• Make sure that all parts are clean and dry before storing.
• Store your coee maker in its box or in a clean, dry place.
• Never store your coee maker while it is hot or wet.
• Never wrap the power cord tightly around your coee maker.
Keep it loosely coiled.
• Always store your coee maker in an upright position because
a small amount of water may remain in your coee maker.
SPECIFICATIONSMeasurements (H × W × D): 12 x 5.5 x 7.3 in (30.6 x 14 x 18.5 cm)
Power: 1,000 Watts
Voltage: 120V / 60Hz
ONE-YEAR LIMITED WARRANTYVisit www.insigniaproducts.com for details.
CONTACT INSIGNIA:For customer service, call 877-467-4289 (U.S.) or 01-800-926-3000
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