9” Dual-Screen Portable DVD Player
Press to fast-forward the disc. Each time you press this button, the
fast-forward speed changes from 2 to 4 to 8 to 16 to 32 times the normal
Press to fast-reverse the disc. Each time you press this button, the
fast-reverse speed changes from 2 to 4 to 8 to 16 to 32 times the normal
Press (NEXT) to go to the next title, chapter, or track.
Press (PREV) to go to the previous title, chapte r, or track.
Adjusting th e volume
To adjust the volume:
Rotate the volume control dial on the right side of your DVD
player and the extra monitor.
Viewing DVD information
To view DVD information:
1During playback, press FUNC. to enter the Function menu.
2Navigate to DISP and press OK. The following display appears.
3Press OK one or more times to view specific DVD information when the
display says “press OK to display information.”
You ca n vi ew :
Title Elapsed–Shows the elapsed playing time for the title.
Title Re main–Shows the remain ing playing time for the title.
Chapter Elapsed–Shows the elapsed playing time for the chapter.
1 Current title number
2 Total number of titles
3 Elapsed playing time for the current title
4 Current chapter number
5 Total number of chapters
Title Elapsed
T 01/01 C 02/17
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