Frequently Asked Questions
Can I stack Intel Express 220T Stackable Hubs with Intel Express 210T Stackable Hubs or Intel Express 10/100 Stackable Hubs?
Yes. These hubs use the same Intel Cascade Cable and connectors.
Can I stack Intel Express 220T or 210T Stackable Hubs with Intel Express
No. The hubs use a different Cascade Cable and connectors. However, both are
How do I get devices running at 10Mbps to talk to devices running at 100Mbps?
The 220T hub’s internal bridge allows 10Mbps and 100Mbps segments to communicate with each other. By default the 220T’s internal bridge is active. If the segments aren’t communicating, press the Enable/Disable Bridging button on the front panel to toggle the feature.
The 210T hubs operate at either 10Mbps or 100Mbps and can exist in the same stack. However, the hubs operating at 10Mbps and the hubs operating at 100Mbps are on separate network segments. To enable the segments to communicate, add a 220T hub to the stack or use another device to bridge the segments, such as a switch or an optional Ethernet Module. See pages
Can I set the speed on individual ports?
On the 220T hub all ports are autosensing and operate at either 10Mbps or 100Mbps, depending on the speed of the attached device. To force port speed on the 220T, you must purchase the optional Management Module (EE200MM).
On the 210T hub, all ports operate at the same speed (10Mbps or 100Mbps). Individual port speed cannot be set.
Can I configure a
Not directly, because the ports on the 220T and 210T hubs are capable of only