2nd to 4th Generation Intel® Core™ vPro™ Processor Fam ily 7
** Transactional.
‡ These systems have processors based o n 32nm manufactu ring proces s technology.
Disclaimer: For transition only. Not a representation of performance.
1 (Intel® Turbo Boost Technology) Require s a system with Inte l® Turbo Boost Techno logy. Intel Turbo Boo st Technology and I ntel Turbo Boost Techno logy 2.0 are onl y available on se lect Intel® proc essors. Consu lt your system manufac turer. Performan ce varies dependi ng on hardware, soft ware, and system con guration. For more
information, visit ww w.intel.com/go/turbo.
2 (Intel® Wireless Display) Requir es an Intel® Wire less Display -enabled PC, t ablet, Smar tphone, comp atible adapter, an d TV. 1080p and Blu -ray* or other p rotected con tent playback on ly available on se lect Intel® pr ocessors wi th built-in vi suals enabled . Consult your PC m anufacturer. For m ore informat ion, see www.intel.com/go/widi.
3 (Intel® HD Graphics) Available on the 2 nd gen Intel® Core™ processor family. Includes Intel® HD Graphics, In tel® Quick Syn c Video, Intel ® Clear Video HD Tech nology, Intel® InTRU™ 3 D Technology, and Inte l® Advanced Vector Extensions. Also optionally includes Intel® Wireless Display depending on whether enabled on a given
system or not. Whether you will rece ive the benets of built -in visuals depend s upon the particu lar design of the PC you choos e. Consult your PC manuf acturer whether bu ilt-in visuals are en abled on your system. Lear n more about built- in visuals at http://www.intel.com/technology/visualtechnology/index.htm.
4 Intel® Insider™ is a hardware-bas ed content prot ection mecha nism. Require s a 2nd generatio n Intel® Core™ proces sor-based PC with bu ilt-in visuals ena bled, an Internet con nection, and cont ent purchase or renta l from qualied prov iders. Intel Insid er requires an HDCP- protected disp lay. VGA output not support ed. Consult your PC
manufacturer. For more information, visit www.intel.com/content/www/us/en/architecture-and-technology/intel-insider-for-premium-hd-home-entertainment.html.
5 Based on the theoretical maximum en abled by 2x2 802.11n implementa tions with 2 spatial st reams. Actual wire less throughpu t and/or range will var y depending on your spec ic operating syst em, hardware, and sof tware congur ations. Check with yo ur PC manufacturer fo r details.
6 Intel® My WiFi Dashboard is an opti onal feature and r equires addit ional soft ware and an Intel ® Centrino® wireles s adapter. Wi-Fi devic es must be certie d by the Wi-Fi Allian ce for 802.11a/g/n and Wi-Fi Dir ect* in order to conne ct.
7 (Intel® Rapid Start Technology) Requires a select Intel® processor, Intel® software and BIOS update, and Intel® Solid- State Drive (SSD). Depe nding on system cong uration, your resu lts may vary. Contact your sys tem manufacture r for more informati on.
8 (Intel® Smart Connect Technolog y) Intel® Smart Connect Technology requires a select Intel® processor, Intel® software and BIOS up date, Intel® wire less adapter, and Intern et connectivit y. Solid state memor y or drive equivalent may be re quired. Dependin g on system congurat ion, your results may var y. Contact your system
manufacturer for more information.
9 (Intel® IPT) No system can provide a bsolute secur ity under all c onditions. Re quires an Intel ® Identity Protection Technology-enabled system, including a 2nd gen or higher Intel® Core™ processor-enable d chipset, rmwar e and software, and par ticipating web site. Consult your syst em manufacturer. Inte l assumes no liabilit y for lost or
stolen data and/or system s, or any resultin g damages. For mo re informati on, visit http://ipt.inte l.com.
10 (Intel® AES-NI) Intel® AES-NI requires a com puter system wit h an AES-NI -enabled p rocessor, as well a s non-Intel s oftware to exec ute the instru ctions in the c orrect seque nce. AES- NI is available on s elect Intel® C ore™ processor s. For availabili ty, consult your sy stem manufact urer. For more infor mation,
see http://software.intel.com/en-us/articles/intel-advanced-encryption-standard-instructions-ae s-ni/.
11 (Secure Key) No system can provide absol ute securit y. Requires an Intel ® Secure Key enabl ed PC with a 3rd ge n Intel® Core™ vPro™ proc essor and sof tware optim ized to suppor t Intel Secure Key. Co nsult your syste m manufacture r for more infor mation.
12 (OS Guard) No system can provid e absolute secu rity. Requires a n Intel® OS Guar d-enabled sy stem with a 3rd ge n Intel® Core™ vPro™ pro cessor and an en abled operati ng system. Cons ult your system man ufacturer fo r more informat ion.
13 Note: No computer system can pr ovide absolut e security un der all condit ions. Intel® Trusted Execution Technology (Intel® TXT) require s a computer wit h Intel® Virtu alization Technol ogy, an Intel TXT-enab led processor, chip set, BIOS, Authent icated Code Modu les and an Intel TXT-c ompatible measu red launched enviro nment (MLE).
Intel TXT also require s the system to con tain a TPM v1.s. For mo re informatio n, see http://www.intel.com/technology/security.
14 No computer system can provi de absolute sec urity under a ll condition s. Built-in se curity featu res available on s elect Intel ® Core™ processors may re quire additiona l software, hardw are, services an d/or an Internet conn ection. Result s may vary depending upo n conguration . Consult your PC manufa cturer for more deta ils. For more
information, visit HYPE RLINK “http://www.intel.com/technology/security ” www.intel.com/technology/security.
15 (Intel® vPro™ Technology) Intel® vPro™ Technology is so phisticated an d requires setup and act ivation. Availabi lity of features and res ults will depend upo n the setup and congur ation of your hardware, so ftware, and IT envir onment. To learn more, visi t www.intel.com/technology/vpro.
16 (KVM) KVM Remote Contr ol (Keyboard, Vi deo, Mouse) is onl y available with I ntel® Core™ i5 vPro™ and C ore™ i7 vPro™ processo rs with Intel ® Active Manageme nt technology acti vated and congur ed and with integrated gr aphics active. Di screte graphic s are not supported.
17 (Intel® AMT) Requires activat ion and a system wi th a corporate n etwork con nection, an Int el® AMT enable d chipset, and n etwork hardw are and softw are. For noteboo ks, Intel AMT may b e unavailable or l imited over a host O S-based VP N, when connec ting wireles sly, on battery p ower, sleeping, hi bernating, o r powered off. Re sults
dependent upon hardware, set up, and congurati on. For more informat ion, visit www.intel.com/content/www/us/en/architecture -and-technology/intel-active-managementtechnology.html.
18 Intel® Virtualization Techno logy require s a computer syste m with an enable d Intel® proces sor, BIOS, and virtua l machine monitor ( VMM). Functional ity, performan ce, or other benets wi ll vary depending on ha rdware and softw are congurati ons. Software ap plications may not be c ompatible with all op erating systems. Co nsult your PC
manufacturer. For more information, visit http://www.intel.com/go/virtualization.