Feature 2nd gen Intel® Core™
3rd gen Intel® Core™
Processors 3rd gen Customer Benefit 4th gen Intel® Core™
Processors 4th gen Customer Benefit
Intel® Identity Protection
Technology9 (Intel® IPT)
One-time Password
2nd generation features, plus
Intel® IPT with Protected
Transaction Display (PTD)
Intel® IPT with Public Key
Infrastructure (PKI) support
Internal, protected hardware data
path helps stop screen scrap ers and
key loggers
Supports PKI to provid e two-factor
authentication – what-you-k now
(password) and what-you-h ave
(certificate) with hardware-based
key generation and encrypti on
3rd generation features, plus
No-Password VPN
Eliminate dedicated VPN passwords
to simplify user experience, while
helping protect the enterpr ise with
strong two-factor auth entication
Accelerated key
generation and
Intel® Advanced Encryptio n
Standard – New Instructions10
2nd gen features, plus
Intel® Secure Key11
Fast, hardware-enhanced key generation, encryption, and decryption
Generates high-qualit y random numbers, e nabling better data enc ryption
Protection against
rootkits and malware;
Secure boot support
N/A Intel® OS Guard12
(Windows 8* and Linux*)
Intel® TXT13
Great protection from malware, wi th
added protection against e scalation
of privilege (EoP) attacks
Hardware-assisted validation
through boot of VMs
3rd generation features,
plus Intel® Platform
Protection Technology14
Support for BIOS protect ion
and Windows 8 Secure and
Measured Boot
Remote management
with KVM
2nd Gen Intel® vPro™ Technology15 3rd Gen Intel® vPro™ Technology Enhanced and additional features
for remote management
and security
4th Gen Intel® vPro™ Technology New features simplify more
powerful management and security
N/A N/A N/A Indoor Location-based services
of devices
Track assets on campus for
fast location
N/A KVM Remote Control16 Fu ll remote control and disk ac-
cess: switchable graphical modes
(portrait, landscape); simultane-
ously view up to three indepen dent
screens, providing adde d flex-
ibility for multi-tasking; enhanced
mouse improvements acros s mul-
tiple screens; 27 languages now
Enhanced KVM Remote Control Previous gen benefits inclu ded, plus:
• Now supports up to
2560x1600 resolution
Intel® Setup and Configuratio n
Software 7.0
Intel® Setup and Configuratio n
Software 8.0
New scripting capabilities to
customize system deployments
Intel® Setup and Configuratio n
Software 9.0
Previous gen benefits, plus:
• Extend ed ma nageability
configuration for systems wit h
Intel® Professional Series SS Ds
• Enhanced system discovery
capabilities and Intel® Profe ssional
Series SSD health monitoring
• Migration support fro m
Intel® SCS 8
• Compatible for Intel Active
Management Technology17
versions 6-9
Intel® Active Management
Technology 7.0
Intel® Active Management
Technology 8.0
Enhanced recovery and patching Intel® Activ e Management
Technology 9.0/9.5
Enhanced platform management