mP4G/mP4GL Motherboard

You may want to set Onboard Serial Port 2 to Disabled if you aren’t going to use the onboard COM2 port.

If you install an IR port module, you have to set the UART Mode Select line to the appropriate IR setting. Check the module instructions for this information. The following four lines will display the defaults for the IR mode you select and should work.

You can alter the parallel port settings as needed. You can disable the Game and MIDI settings if you aren’t going to use the Game port header.

The last several items when at the bottom of the list are SCR Port Address and MS/SD Port Address. These enable and configure a Smartcard reader and Memory Stick™ or Secure Digital™ memory card reader respectively. The default port addresses should work.

CMOS Setup Utility – Integrated Peripherals (lower section)


User’s Manual