Award BIOS Setup
Parallel Port Mode:
Select an operating mode for the onboard parallel (printer) port. Select
Normal, Compatible, or SPP unless you are certain your hardware and
software both support one of the other available modes.
The choice: SPP, EPP, ECP and ECP+EPP.
EPP Mode Select:
Select EPP port type 1.7 or 1.9.
The choice: EPP1.7, 1.9.
ECP Mode Use DMA:
Select a DMA channel for the parallel port for use during ECP mode.
The choice: 3, 1.
PWRON After PWR-Fail:
This item allows you to select if you want to power on the system after power
The choice: Off, On and Former-Sts.
Init Display First:
This item allows you to decide to active whether PCI Slot or on-chip VGA
The choice: PCI Slot, Onboard.
Onboard Serial Port 3/Port4:
Select an address for the third and forth serial ports.
Serial Port 3/Port 4 Use IRQ:
Select an IRQ for the third and forth serial ports.
Intel Lan Boot ROM:
This item allows you to decide whether to invoke the boot ROM of the
onboard LAN chip.
The choice: Enabled, Disabled.