A breakpoint register is associated with the simulated execution mode of operation, allowing the user to
During'simulated execution, a count is kept of the number of simulated machine cycles (i.e., sync pulses) used by the test program, to assist in checking out programs with critical timing problems.
lin Binary conversion
This directive accepts a single (decimal) number, and types out its equivalent in binary. A maximum of 12 bits (num- bers to 4095) may be accomodated at once.
=n Decimal adder
This directive accepts a string of (decimal) numbers separated by plus and minus signs, and types out the algabraic
sum, modulo 4096. If the algebraic sum is negative, 4095 is logically added to it to give a positive result. This directive may be used to perform binary to decimal conversion thus: =Bnnnn
Or,s,e RAM/ROM chip assignment
This directive must be entered before any other letter directive. If the first character after the 0 is a space or comma, the current values are typed out. Then, or immediately after the Q, three parameters separated by commas or spaces are required. If any of the three parameters is omitted, or if a RETURN is typed instead of the first parameter, the current values will be unchanged. r is the (decimal) RAM register number
This directive simulates the hardware reset function, and clears to zero all simulated registers, counters, and all RAMs not allocated to program. The Q directive executes a Z each time the parameters are changed.
In Input
This directive accepts a sequence of (binary) numbers and stores them in consecutive simulated ROM locations, begin- ning with location n. Spaces, commas, returns, and linefeeds may occur with any frequency or pattern between the individual numbers. Input is terminated by a
Pn,m Punch
This directive will punch out, in "BNPF" format with location numbers, the contents of the simulated ROM beginning at location n (decimaJ), and ending with location m. The currently selected program counter, and the breakpoint regis- ter are altered by this directive. Four inches of leader and trailer are punched on the tape, with an "F" after the last location. If the BREAK key on the teletype is depressed between locations, the typeout will be aborted, with no trailer. Both the breakpoint register and the program counter in the current stack level are altered by this directive.
Mn,i Memory input
This directive accepts a sequence of (decimal) numbers
Dr, n Dump RAM
This directive types out in decimal the contents of each RAM location (both main memory and status) of n registers, beginning with register r. The typeout may be ended prematurely by depressing the BREAK key.