4532 Software

Reduce time-to-market with robust software development tools

Interphase offers a robust suite of software development tools to help shorten the learning curve and design cycle for integration projects based on the 4532 communications controller. Interphase provides three types of development tools, each tailored to the needs of different intergrations. The Basic Board Support Package (BBSP) allows software developers to write software applications that run on a specific operating system embedded on the MPC8260A CPU. The Board Development Kit (BDK) facilitates development of device drivers, embedded protocol firmware and applications for the 4532 hardware module. The iWARE® Software Development Suite offers developers a set of Interphase-developed firmware protocol stacks, accessible via APIs provided by Interphase.

Board Development Kit (BDK)VxWorks® Basic Board Support Package (BSP)VxWorks Software Development Suite (SDS)
Board Development Kit

The 4532 BDK is specific to the 4532 hardware, but it is not tied to a particular operating system environment. The kit contains the following main components:

Setup Utility: Allows the user to modify the content of the various programmable elements of the board, especially the Flash EEPROM memory.

Boot Firmware: Provides power-on self test, power-on boot sequence, built-in self test (described below), configuration capability via a command line interface, and boot firmware source files as an example of how to program the card.

Board Installation and Maintenance Manual: Provides procedures for installing and maintaining the module.

Hardware Reference Manual: Provides information for developing embedded software and/or host drivers for the module.

Interactive Built-in Self Test Utility and Monitor Manual: Allows management of the card such as, reset/run action, memory and register dump, memory and DMA tests, line parameter manipulation, and more. Manual provides high-level information for using the boot firmware.

• Auxiliary timer supportAlso available via the Interphase Professional Services Group:Framer device driver frameworkAAL1, 2 and 5 driver frameworkPCI driver framework
iWARE® Software Development Suite

The 4532 iWARE Software Development Suite (SDS) reduces software development time and facilitates faster time to market by supplying embedded protocol support for ATM, base drivers for a selected operating system, configuration and diagnostic utilities, and sample programs. The 4532 is offered with an iWARE Software Development Suite for the following operating systems:

LinuxFor other operating systems, please call for availability

The iWARE Software Development Suite enables easy integration with tools and diagnostics to simplify development. The SDS also provides Interphase’s own lower layer stacks for various network protocols (contact your Interphase representative for specific protocols). Complete, pre-integrated stacks using Interphase lower layers and third party upper layers are also available.

The iWARE Software Development Suite consists of software programs and utilities running on the host CPU and embedded software (“firmware”) which runs on the on-board 8260A processor. Software elements are separated into four modules:

The base drivers for each supported Operating System (executed by the host processor)

The configuration and diagnostic utilities
Basic Board Support Package
• Sample programs
The 4532 Basic Board Support Package (BBSP) consists of• The embedded firmware executed by the MPC8260A on the 4532
documentation compiled as a Board Support Guide for VxWorks.board
This document provides valuable information on how to configureThese modules interact with each other through well-defined and
and install VxWorks on the 4532. Once the BSP is installed, the 4532documented interfaces. A common iWARE WAN API is defined
can be connected to an Ethernet network and development can beat the interface between the embedded firmware and the various
done directly from the particular RTOS development environment,drivers. A complete documentation set is also provided describing
such as Tornado. The 4532 BSP also includes the files required toInterphase’s iWARE WAN API (Wide Area Network Application
make an RTOS run embedded on the 4532 CPU. The standard BSPProgrammer’s Interface), the Base Driver’s API, sample programs,
is free of charge, but must be ordered separately.and tool guides.
The package provides source files for:
Custom Development
• Interrupt controller

Custom software development, integration, and consulting services

• Flash memory management
are also available via the Interphase Professional Services Group.
• True Flash File System (TFFS) support
With over 150 man years of development experienced amassed,
• TTY driver


the professional services team offers everything from completely


iSPAN 4532 PMC ATM over OC-3c/STM-1 Communications Controller

• Ethernet driver (broadcast and multicast support)custom development to merely customizing standard Interphase
• Timestamp driverproducts to meet your specific needs.




iSPAN 4532 PMC ATM over OC-3c/STM-1 Communications Controller