Invacare®Stratos™Compact Aerosol CompressorInvacare®Stratos™Compact Aerosol Compressor
•Packagedwith a reusable nebulizer
•Economical– premium product that is priced to
fitthe needs of the managed-care market
•Stylish– updated design and color
•Durable– five year limited warranty
•Nebulizerparking post
•Dimensions:5.9" l x 5.7" w x 3.7" h
•Weight:3.2 lb.
•Maximumcompressor pressure: 33 PSI
•Typicaloperating pressure: 11 - 16 PSI
•Typicaloperating flow rate: 4 - 8 LPM
ReusableJet Nebulizer
Thenew ReusableJet Nebulizer isan
extremelycosteffective, durablenebulizer.
Thespecial geometryand smooth surface
finishof the nebulizerresult inminimal
IRC1710StratosCompactAerosol Compressor.
Invacare®Stratos™CompactAerosol Compressor
Theupdated Invacare Stratos Compact is a sleek, new piston compressor that offers
stylishdesign, quality and economy in one compact package. Now it is even smaller, yet
stillpowerful enough to deliver the fast, effective aerosol treatments users expect.
ModelSelection Guide
Modelno. Units/Case Limited warranty Description
IRC1710 1 5years StratosCompactAerosolCompressor
MS2600 10 n/a ReusableJetNebulizer
IRC1711 1 n/a StratosCompactcarryingcase