Invacare® Pronto™ M6 Power Wheelchair
ere’s the independence, comfort Hand peace of mind you’re looking for: Introducing the Invacare®
Pronto™ M6™ power wheelchair.
The compact size and stable,
Maneuverability,reliability,comfort and solid good looks – the Invacare Pronto M6 has it all. And it all adds up to the independence and respectability you’re looking for.
•Reinforced carbon steel frame for long-lasting durability
•Adjustable armrests and footplate flip up to make it easier for you to get in and out of wheelchair
•Hand control conveniently retracts out of the way and allows you to drive right up to tables
•Meets all RESNA standards for product performance
On-boardbatterycharger means easycharging.
Sixwheelsonthegroundforeasyand stabledrivingovermostthresholds.
Retractablehandcontrolenablesyou togetclosertotables,whilearmrests easilyadjustforcomfortandease.