Technical Support
Please check out our IOGEAR Tech Info Library (T.I.L.) at www.iogear.com/support for the latest tips, tricks,
and troubleshooting. The IOGEAR T.I.L. was designed to provide you with the latest technical information
about our products. Most of the answers to your questions can be found here, so please try it out before
contacting technical support. Service Support can be reached at IOGEARĀ® from 8am to 5pm Pacific
Standard Time, Monday through Friday or at the following address:
23 Hubble Drive
Irvine, CA 92618
You may also reach us online at www.iogear.com/support 24 hours a day. Please be ready to give a brief
description of the problem, and what you were doing when the problem occurred, before calling Service
Support. The Service Support representative will be able to serve you much quicker if you are prepared to
answer the following questions listed below.
1) What version of OS are you using?
2) What type of computer are you using?
3) Can the problem be reproduced? If so, what are the steps necessary to reproduce the problem
4) When does the problem occur?
5) What have you already tried to get the problem resolved?
6) What is the purchase date and serial number of the product?
7) Are you on a network? If so, what type of network is it?
8) Where any messages displayed on the screen when the error occurred? If so, what was the exact
wording of the message?