Figure 5
Step 1:
Attach the left pedal (35) to the left crank. The left pedal is marked with an "L". Turn the
threads on the pedal counter-clockwise to secure it to the crank.
Step 2:
Attach the right pedal (34) to the right crank. The right pedal is marked with an "R". Turn
the threads on the pedal clockwise to secure it to the crank.
Step 3:
Attach the pedal straps (35a and 34a) to the appropriate pedal. Each strap is marked with an
"L" or an "R". The side with 2 holes will go on the clip towards the inside of the unit.
Figure 6
Step 1:
Feed the pulse wires coming from the
pulse handlebar assembly up the con-
sole tube.
Step 2:
Attach the front handlebar (41) to the
console tube (39) using hex head screws
(20), washers (4), locknuts (31), and
hex head screw (24).