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TM-2016-8 and TM-2016-8CL Progressive Scan Shutter Camera
For the progressive format, one frame of video output will start from the rising edge of the pulse width
control. As Asynchronous mode with external pulse input high, the video output will be disabled as the
camera continues discharging the CCD image, providing black video only.
3.6.2 No Delay Shutter and Read-out-inhibit (ROI)
For multiple-camera applications such as 2D or 3D measurement and multi-angle inspection,
simultaneous image capturing at an exact shutter timing for all cameras is a critical requirement. TM-
2016 ’s async pulse width control mode provides no-delay shutter as standard. Regardless of the internal
pulse timing, it discharges at VINIT leading edge and transfers charges at the trailing edge of the pulse.
Even though each camera runs with slightly different H and data clock timing, the image capturing is
exactly simultaneous. The TM-2016-8 has also read-out-inhibit (ROI) to control the vertical clock to
start. When the ROI is low, V-clock is stopped and the transferred charges remain in the vertical shift
registers, which work as if they were CCD memory. When the ROI is high, it clocks out the CCD data.
INT. VINIT with shutter speed control
Transfer Gate
Analog Video Sync
Exposure time set by shutter speed