To enable caller id -
Open FaxTalk Communicator and select configure> program> modem>
Advanced >Distinctive Ring/Caller ID setting
Check the box, “Use FaxTalk for Distinctive Ring/ Caller ID service
Check the box, “Enable Caller ID detection on incoming calls”
Make sure the Caller ID initialization string is set to +vcid=1
Modem Dialing Location
If you want to change your dialing location, please follow the instruction as
Can open FaxTalk Communicator
Click on Configure> Dialing Properties, can edit your location
For Windows XP --- Click Control Panel -> Phone And Modem Options ->
Under Dialing Rules click Edit, and then you can change your location.
FOR Windows VISTA --- Click Control Panel -> Phone And Modem
Options -> Under Dialing Rules click Edit, and then you can change your