Live Range
GB Series
GB8 24
8 bus professional mixing console, 24 channels
GB8 32
8 bus professional mixing console, 32 channels
GB8 40
8 bus professional mixing console, 40 channels
GB8 48
8 bus professional mixing console, 48 channels
GB8 Series
Features GB8:
ı24, 32, 40 and 48 channel frame sizes
ı19 busses
ı4 full feature stereo channels ı 4 stereo returns
ı8 Aux sends (all are pre/post switchable)
ı8 sub groups (SWAP with all 8 Auxes)
ı11x4 output matrix
ıRecord output with limiter
ıAlternate stereo output with limiter
ı1kHz oscillator
ıMeterpod with 3 high definition LED VU meters (L/C/R)
ıInternal jumpers switch
ıGB30 mic preamp and precision equalisation circuitry
ıDirect outputs on every channel
ıTalkback facility
ı100mm faders
ıSwitchable 48V phantom powering on every channel
ı18dB/octave high pass filter
ı4 mute groups