Gateway 900 Installation Manual Page 7
The Gateways are designed for unattended operation. The Gateways can be controlled
through the Console Port (Port 5) or via Telnet (if the Gateway’s IP Address is known). The
connection provides access through a variety of Application Commands.
The JBM Operations Manual provides further information on the operation of the Gateway,
including Command Line instructions, JBM Administrative Menu and other features.
Follow these instructions to access the Gateway through the Console Port:
1. Verify your system is connected to the COM Port on the Gateway. This can be
accomplished by connecting a cable to the DE-9 connector on the back of the
2. Start an async terminal emulator on your system or use an async terminal with
the following parameters:
Parameter Value
Protocol Type Serial
Port Com 1 or Com 2
Baud Rate 9600
Data Bits 8
Parity None
Stop Bits 1
Flow Control RTS/CTS
Emulation Type VT100
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