1. Read and understand the entire owner’s manual before attempting assembly or operation.
2. Read and understand the warnings posted o n t he mac hine a nd in this manual. Failure to comply with
all of these warnings may cause serious injury.
3. Replace the warning labels if they become obscured or removed.
4. This planishing hammer is designed and intended for use by properly trained and experienced
personnel only. If you ar e not f amiliar w ith the pr oper and safe operat ion of a planishing hammer, do
not use until proper training and knowledge have been obtained.
5. Do no t use this p lani s hing hammer for ot her t han i t s inte nded use. I f used for o t her p urpos e s, Wa lter
Meier (Manufacturing) Inc., disclaims any real or implied warranty and holds itself harmless from any
injury that may result from that use.
6. Always w ear approved safety glasses/face shields while using this planishing hammer. Everyday
eyeglasses only have impact resistant lenses; they are not safety glasses.
7. Before oper ating this planishing hammer, remove tie, rings, watc hes and other jewelry, and ro ll
sleeves up past the elbows. Remove all loose clothing and confine long hair. Non-slip footwear or
anti-skid floor strips are recommended.
8. Wear ear protectors (plugs or muffs) during extended periods of operation.
9. Some d ust created by power sanding, saw ing, grinding, d rilling and other c onstruction act ivities
contain chemicals known to cause cancer, birth defects or other reproducti ve harm. Some examples
of these chemicals are:
Lead from lead based paint.
Crystalline silica from bricks, cement and other masonry products.
Arsenic and chromium from chemically treated lumber.
Your risk of exposure varies, depe nding on how ofte n you do this type of work. To red uce your
exposure to these chemicals, work i n a well-ventilated area and work with appro ved safety
equipment, such as face or dust masks that are specifically designed to f ilter out microscopic
10. Do not operate this machine while tired or under the influence of drugs, alco hol or any medication.
11. Make certain the machine is properly grounded.
12. Make all machine adjustments or maintenance wit h the machine unplugged f r om the power source.
13. Remove adjusting keys and wrenches. Form a habit of checking to see that keys and adjusting
wrenches are removed from the machine before turning it on. .
14. Check damaged parts. Before further use of the machine, a g uard or other part that is damaged
should be caref ully checked t o determine t hat it will operate proper ly and perform its intended
function. Check for alignment of moving parts, binding of mo ving parts, breakage of par ts, mounting
and any other conditions that may affect its operat ion. A guard or other part t hat is damaged should
be properly repaired or replaced.
15. Provide for adequate space surroundi ng work ar ea and non-glare, overhead lighti ng.
16. Keep the floor around the machine clean and free of scrap material, oil and grease.
17. Don't use in dangerous enviro nment. Don't use power tools in damp or wet locations, or expos e t hem
to rain. Keep work area well lighted.
18. Keep visitors a safe distance from the work area. Keep children away.
19. Make your workshop child proof with padlocks, master switches or by removing starter keys.