Using a claw hammer or a small sledge hammer strike
the center of the 6” “knock-out” disc from the outside of
the stove. The “knock-out” disc will break into four
wedges and may need to be tapped out. Touch up any
remaining sharp edges with a file or hand grinder.
Note: The ivory Jøtul F 3 ’s are rear vented from the
factory. It is not necessary to “knock-out” the rear casting
of the stove. However, if top exit is desired it is necessary
to install a smoke outlet cover on the rear outlet of the
Reinstall the top casting and front door, remembering
the washer. The two rear heatshields must be reinstalled
on the stove. Remove the metal cover plates from the
heatshields and reinstall. Reminder: There is a small nut
used as a spacer between the two heatshields. See fig. 2.
Side exit venting
If venting through the side is desired it will be necessary
to remove the top casting. Using a 3mm allen wrench
remove the two set screws that secure to the top to the
side panels. Remove the front door to avoid damage to
the glass. Reminder: Loss of the door washer will result
in improper door alignment when reinstalling the door.
Using a claw hammer or a small sledge hammer strike
the center of the 6” “knock-out” disc from the inside of
the stove. The “knock-out” disc will break into four
wedges and may need to be tapped out. Touch up any
remaining sharp edges with a file or hand grinder.
Reinstall the front door, remembering the washer and
the top casting.
Installing the stove pipe adapter
After the appropriate flue outlet in the stove has been
established the stove pipe adapter (included with every
stove) must be installed so that standard stove pipe can
be installed onto the stove.
Insert the end of the adapter with the four holes into
the stove. These holes allow the adaptor to be attached
to the stove’s internal collar, using the nuts and bolts
provided with the stove. See figure 3.
The adaptor should be inserted into the stove until the
bead on the adapter is flush with the top, back or side
casting. Now the adaptor is ready to accept single or
double walled stove pipe. See figure 4.
Each joint of chimney connector or stove pipe must be
secured with at least three sheet metal screws to ensure
that the sections do not separate.
Stove pipe - chimney connector
The chimney connector is a single walled pipe used to
connect the stove to the chimney. For use with the
Jøtul F3 the chimney connector must be 6” in diameter,
with a minimum thickness of 24 gauge black steel.
Aluminum and galvanized steel pipe is not acceptable
for use with the Jøtul F3. These materials cannot
withstand the extreme temperatures of a wood fire and
can give off toxic fumes when heated.
Each chimney connector or stove pipe section must be
installed to the stove flue collar and to each other with
the male (crimped) end toward the stove. See figure 5.
Fig. 2
Heatshield with listing
label should be installed
on the outside
Fig. 3 Direction into the
Fig. 5
Crimped end installed
toward the stove
Adaptor bead should
be flush with stove
Fig. 4