6. Push the P button to get back to READY.
In ROBUST the grinder will always grind approx. 1 second
longer to increase the strength of your coffee.
1. Push and hold P button until display shows FILTER.
2. Turn Dial to AUTO OFF
3. Push Dial: 2.0 HRS
4. Turn Dial to select from -.- HRSto 9.0 HRS
5. Push Dial to confirm selection.
6. Push the P button to get back to READY.
In selection -.- HRS the machine will not shut off automatically.
Please note:When the machine turns off, it will automatically
run a hot water rinse cycle. The water will push through the
coffee spouts and will be caught in the tray.
• If you use the machine in the morning and then later in the
day,set the auto-shut offbetween 0.5 HRS and 2.0 HRS.
• If you use the machine all day long set the auto shut off
between 3.0 HRS to 5.0 HRS.
• If you make only one or two cups of coffee in the morning, set
the machine to 0.5 HRS.
Important:Never turnthe machine offimmediately after you
have made a cup of coffee. The automatic hot water rinse cycle
works moreeffectively after the brewing chamber has cooled down.
18c. STATS (usage)
1. Push and hold P button until display shows FILTER.
2. Turn Dial to STATS
3. Push Dial: The display shows the total number of cups brewed.
4. Push the 1-Cup, 2-Cup and the Ground Coffee Button to
display usage for those buttons.
5. Push the P button TWICE to get back to READY.
1. Push and hold P button until display shows FILTER.
2. Turn Dial to LANGUAGE
3. Push Dial: ENGLISH
4. Turn Dial to select from English, German, French, Italian
Spanish, Portuguese, Dutch (NL)
5. Push Dial to confirm selection.
6. Push the P button to get back to the "READY" mode.
18e. ML/OZ
Instead of showing the cup sizes in Ounces (OZ) you can display
it in Milliliters (ML). 30 ML equals 1 OZ.
1. Push and hold P button until display shows FILTER.
2. TurnDial to ML / OZ
3. Push Dial: OZ.
4. Turn Dial to select ML or OZ.
5. Push Dial to confirm selection.
6. Push the P button to get back to READY.
18f. RINSE
You can turn off the automatic rinsing mode for when the
machine shuts down.
1. Push and hold P button until display shows FILTER.
2. TurnDial to RINSE
3. Push Dial: RINSE 4
4. TurnDial to select RINSE –