Final Cut Pro - Video Export Process | 15. |
Exporting Video for a News Broadcast
FCP 7.0
Step 4
Step 4
In SOUND SETTINGS select AAC. Keep the sound channels at Stereo and change the RATE to 44.100khz., all the other settings remain the same.
After all your settings are selected,Export and Save your file in your EXPORTS folder in your main project folder. Instructions on File and Folder management will be provided by your Professor. Now you’re ready to upload to Youtube.
For detailed instructions for uploading to Youtube http:// www.google.com/support/youtube/bin/answer.py? hl=en&answer=57924
Step 5 If you’re uploading to VIMEO
You’ll go through the same settings for Vimeo with a few minor changes. Your settings in Vimeo only allows a certain amount of uploads and a size limit of 500mb if you aren't subscribed to Vimeo Pro. In this instance you’ll
restrict your DATA RATE settings to 5000 and use a lower resolution depending on what the video is being displayed for. For example 1280x720HD or 640x480 VGA
Step 4b
Step 5: cont.
For more Information on uploading to Vimeo please go http://vimeo.com/help/faq#upload Please make note of the “What are the recommended settings for uploading a video” Section. It has useful and detailed information on compressing video for Vimeo.