BConnecting the external amplifier or subwoofer / µËÕ·Õ¡ª≈‘ø“¬‡ÕÕ√ÏÀ√◊Õ´∫«Ÿø‡øÕ√Ï— ¥È“ππÕ
•Connect the remote lead (blue with white stripe) to the remote lead of the other equipment so that it can be controlled through this unit.
•Disconnect the speakers from this unit, connect them to the amplifier. Leave the speaker leads of this unit unused.
µß§Ë“È— “L/O MODE” ‡ªÁπ “REAR” (¥ŸÀπÈ“ 11 §”·π–π”)
You can connect a power amplifier for rear speakers.Á
∑Ë“π “¡“√∂µËÕ‡§√◊ËÕߢ¬“¬‡ ’¬ß‡ªπ≈”‚æßÀ≈߉— ¥ÈJVC Amplifier‡§√◊ËÕߢ¬“¬‡ ¬ß’ JVC≈”‚æßÀ≈ß—
Front speakers≈”‚æßÀπÈ“
Set “L/O MODE” to “WOOFER” (See page 11 of the INSTRUCTIONS.)µß§Ë“È— “L/O MODE” ‡ªÁπ “WOOFER” (¥ŸÀπÈ“ 11 §”·π–π”)
You can also connect a subwoofer to the REAR LINE OUT terminals.∑Ë“π¬ß— “¡“√∂µËÕ´∫«Ÿø‡øÕ√χ— JVC Amplifier
‡§√◊ËÕߢ¬“¬‡ ¬ß’ JVC
*3 Firmly attach the ground wire to the metallic body or to the chassis of the
*3 µËÕ≈«¥
*4 “¬‡§‡∫‘≈ ≠≠“≥— (‰¡Ë‰¥È„ÀÈ¡“°∫™ÿ— ¥ª√–°Õ∫π’È)
•The fuse blows.*Are the red and black leads connected correctly?•Power cannot be turned on. * Is the yellow lead connected?•No sound from the speakers.*Is the speaker output lead*Is the rear ground terminal connected to the car’s chassis using shorter and thicker cords?
•This unit becomes hot.*Is the speaker output lead grounded?
*Are the
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