H TCP/UDP | TCP/UDP IP Address |
| : For entering the address when alarm action notification is |
| to be sent via TCP or UDP. (IP or FQDN) |
| TCP/UDP Port Number |
| : For entering the port number when alarm action |
| notification is to be sent via TCP or UDP. |
| TCP/UDP Data |
| : For entering the data to send during TCP or UDP |
| notification. Input up to 127 alphanumeric characters. |
I Alarm Output | For setting the alarm output time from the alarm output terminal. |
Duration | When this is set to A0B, it is not possible to revert back to break (or make) |
| after changing to make (or break). |
| [Setting range:0/100msec to 5000msec] |
J Time Filter | For specifying the alarm action with respect to each day of the week and |
| setting the corresponding time of the day. |
| Applicable day of week |
| : Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, |
| Saturday |
| Alarm action : Mask span |
| Unmask span |
| Mask All |
| Unmask All |
| Applicable time period |
| : For specifying the Start and End time in hours and |
| minutes. |