From the window that opens, click on the ‘Connections’ tab.

LAN connections

Proxy Settings

It is necessary to select whether to use a proxy server or not depending on the network environment.

To determine if you are using a proxy server.

1. From Internet Explorer, click on the ‘Tools’ in the menu bar, and then click on ‘Internet Options’.


3. From the ‘Connections’ window, click on the ‘LAN Settings’ button.

4. If ‘Use a proxy server’ is checked in the window that opens, then you use a proxy server to access the Internet.

If this is not checked, then you don’t use a proxy server, and your configuration is complete.

5.Click on the ‘Advanced’ button.

6.In the ‘Exceptions’ box of the window that opens, enter the first portion of the VTR IP address followed by.‘*.*’ For ex- ample, the IP address of a VTR may be, so 192.168.*.* has been entered

7.Click ‘OK’ in all open windows.