Setting Using Internet Explorer
Setup (continued)
Internet Explorer Setup (continued)
3.If ActiveX controls and plug-ins of the Internet Explorer is disabled, follow the steps below to enable it
●Click [Trusted sites] under [Tool]-[Internet Options]-[Security]. Click on the [Sites…] button directly below, followed by deselecting the check in the displayed window. Add the following web site to the zone.
●Click [Trusted sites] under [Tool]-[Internet Options]-[Security]. Select the [Custom Level] button and open the [Security Settings] window. Set all items under [ActiveX controls and plug-ins] in the opened window to [Enable]. Enable also [Allow Script-initiated window without size or position constraints.] under [Miscellaneous].
4.Disable pop-up block
Connection of VN-X35U cannot be established when pop-up block in the Internet Explorer is set to AEnableB.
Follow the steps below to set the pop-up block to AdisableB.
●Selecting [Tool]-[Pop-up Blocker]-[Turn Off Pop-up Blocker] permits all sites.
●To allow only specific sites such as VN-X35U, select [Tool]-[Pop-up Blocker]-[Turn On Pop-up Blocker], followed by selecting [Tool]-[Pop-up Blocker]-[Pop-up Blocker Settings] that becomes active to open the [Pop-up Blocker Settings] window.
In the opened window, add the address of VN-X35U as a permitted web site address.
5.When plug-in tools such as the Yahoo or Google toolbar are included in the Internet Explorer, disable the pop-up block function of these plug-in tools as well