TroubleshootingserviceWhatPowerSymptomappears.doesnottocomebeaonmalfunction. | mayPTooossiblenotwerfaralwaysplugfromcaisthenotbeunitinsertedserious. .securelyPlease.gothroughPointMoreRemedylugtheinclosersecurelyfollowingtothe.unitlist.beforerequesting | |||||||||||||||||||||
| tipof |
| remoteunitisnotpointedin | ||||||||||||
Remotecontroldoesnotwork. | Batteryplarityisincorrect. |
| Take | ut | batteriesandinsertthemagainin | ||||||||||||||||
therightdirctionthe | . |
| toward | emoteensoronthefrontpanel. | ||||||||||||||||
| iesareexhausted. |
| with | ewones. | ||||||||
Nopictureisdisplayedonthe | Connection |
| fvideocableisincorrect. | CReplacetheonnethedirectioncablecorrectly. . |
| ||||||||||||||||
Inputselecti |
| fTVisincorrect. |
| Selectcorrectly. |
| |||||||||||||||
monitor. |
| tnormalwhenusingthe | Discisnotplayablesettofe. | theRGBsignals | ||||||||||||||||||
Pictureis |
| . |
| The |
| iscon | ectedtosignals)VCRdirectly | nnecttheunititsothatthepicturesignal | ||||||||||||
No | noisyreproducedwhenplaying | Theaudiosignalisderivedfromtheunit's | SelectUtheAUDIOOUTwhenplayingbacksuch | |||||||||||||||||||
| . |
| (Seepage14). |
| ||||||||||||||
| andthecopyguardfunctionisactivated. | flowsdirctlytotheTV. |
| |||||||||||||
| . |
| Connecunit |
| isincorrect. |
| Checktheconnections. |
| ||||||||
backaudioDVDdisc | with96- | Inputselectionofamplifierisincorrect. | discs. | correctly. |
| |||||||||||||||
| |||||||||||
Soundisditortedrecordednoise |
| |||||
kHz,linearPCMaudio. |
| |||
Pictuateddoesnotfitthetelevision | DiscONITORisdirtyTYPE. | isnotrectlyset. | Wipethediscsurfacetypecorrectly. .(Seepage37.) | |||||||||||||||||||
gene | . |
| |||||||||||||||||
screen. |
| Televisionicrocomputerisnotmfuctionsetdue. | to | Selectthemonitortelevisionerandunplug. | thepower | |||||||||||||
| orstaticcorrectlyectricity. |
| cod,thenconnectcorrectlypowercrdagain. | ||||||||||
| sddenchangeoftemperatureor | Tunoffthepower,thenturnitonafewhours | |||||||||||||||
Operationisnotpossible. |
| lightningumidity. |
| bya | later. |
| |||||||
| Moisturecondensatiocausedn |