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Certain product names mentioned herein may be trade names and/or
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KT-300 Technical Specifications
Input power 16 VAC,40VA, class 2 transformer
Battery backup 1 battery 12V,7Ah, supervised, provides operation
for up to 12 hours
Dimensions 29.9 x 28.8 x 7.7 cm (11.75 x 11.38 x 3 in) EMT 1.9 cm (0.8 in)
Weight (with metal cabinet) 2.4 kg (5.4 lbs)
Operating temperatures 2°C to 40°C (35°F to 110°F)
Compatible reader types Wiegand,proximity,bar code, magnetic,
integrated keypad and others
Monitored points (inputs) 8 monitored points,NO/NC, with or without end-of-line
resistors (expandable to 16)
Monitored points max.
wiring distance 600 m (2,000 ft) – (AWG #22)
Door strike power 12 VDC,250mA each, supervised
Auxiliary outputs (LED,BUZ) 4 outputs, 25mA max.each, open collector
Control relay outputs (R1,R2) 2 control relay outputs,12 VDC, 25mA totals each,
open collector (optional relay RM1 available)
Auxiliary power output 12 VDC @125mA max.,protected and supervised
Reader power outputs 12 VDC and 5 VDC @125mA total, protected and supervised
Communication ports RS-232,RS-485 and Combus
Communication speed Up to 115,200 baud (automatic detection)
Firmware flash memory 128K
RAM 128K (512K unit available),protected by a lithium battery
Network autonomy Distributed data and processing
Certifications UL294,CE, FCC
Expansion Modules Specifications
4-relay and Combus additional power supply module (KT-PC4204)
Current draw 30mA from Combus
Input Power 40VA-18 VAC transformer required
Battery 12V 7Ah maximum
Output 4 programmable relay form C
contacts rated 2A
Input Tamper contact
Certifications UL,CE, FCC
16-output expansion module (KT-PC4216)
Current draw 15mA from Combus
Output 12 VDC,50mA max. each,
drawn from Combus
Input Tamper contact
Certifications UL,CE, FCC
8-zone input expansion module (KT-PC4108)
Current draw 30mA from Combus
Output Auxiliary 12 VDC,250mA max.,
drawn from Combus
Input Tamper contact
Certifications UL,CE, FCC
Time/date display (KT3-LCD)
Current draw 50mA from Combus
Certifications UL,CE, FCC
Tel:1-450-444-2040 Fax: 1-450-444-2029Toll free:1-888-KANTECH (1-888-526-8324)http://www.kantech.comDoor Controller
KT-300The KT-300 is a two door controller designed to meet the highest standard of access control
and monitoring point applications.
KT-300/128KDoor controller for 2 readers with 128K memory,
includes metal cabinet,KT-300-ACC and KT-300LOCK
KT-300/512KDoor controller for 2 readers with 512K memory,
includes metal cabinet,KT-300-ACC and KT-300LOCK
KT-300PCB128Door controller with 128K memory (PCB only) and
accessory kit KT-300-ACC
KT-300PCB512Door controller with 512K memory (PCB only) and
accessory kit KT-300-ACC
KT-300-ACCKT-300 Accessory kit includes:1.0K ohm (2),
5.6K ohms (10),120 ohms (2), PCB standoff, lock hole cover,
ground wire and screwdriver
KT-PC41088-zone input expansion module for KT-300
KT-PC42044-relay and Combus additional power supply
module for KT-300
KT-PC421616-output expansion module for KT-300
KT-RM1External isolation relay SPDT for KT-300 output (RL1/RL2)
KT3-LCDLCD monitor for time and date information for KT-300
KT-300CABKT-300 black metal cabinet including KT-300LOCK
KT-4051CABStandard black metal cabinet for KT-PC4204
KT-PC4216and KT-PC4108 modules (order key lock separately)
42.7 x 26.4 x 14.4 cm (16.8 x 10.4 x 4.1 in) EMT 1.9 cm (0.8 in)
KT-300LOCKKeylock for KT-300CAB and KT-4051CAB metal
cabinets,includes 2 keys
KT-300TAMPTamper switch for KT-300CAB and KT-4051CAB
metal cabinet
TR1637W/CSAAC transformer, wire-In,110V/16V (37VA) CSA
TR1640P/CSAAC transformer, plug-In,110V/16V (40VA) CSA
TR1640P/ULAC transformer, plug-In,110V/16V (40VA) UL
TR1640W-220AC transformer, wire-In,220V/16V (37VA) CE
USB-485USB to RS-485 communication interface
VC-485RS-232 to RS-485 communication interface