Modular and flexible architecture
All three CMTS platforms C2200, C3200 and C10200 are based on one single modu- lar architecture enabling cable operators to customise their networks with maximal flex- ibility to their service requirements. All mod- els utilise the same technology and the same software. Model differences are purely in the size, upgrading and redundancy possibilities
–which are explained in the individual model feature lists.
Each platform offers a specific number of slots which can be occupied by any combi- nation of downstream or upstream modules. Minimal operational occupancy would require at least one downstream and one upstream module.
Full DOCSIS 3.0 Features
The convincing technology base achieved in all three platforms has led to all being fully DOCSIS 3.0 qualified by CableLabs®. Thereby the CMTS platforms all fulfil more than the standard requirements of DOCSIS 3.0 – in part extensively.
The highest channel bonding capability of up to 16 channels (800 Mbps) in upstream and up to 16 channels (480 Mbps) in the down- stream secure full
In this fashion any further advances in cable modem technology can be immediately uti- lised without having to change units or with new hardware. Further IPv6, AES coding and decoding and dynamic load balancing are supported.
Integrated Edge QAM function
The downstream channels can also be operated as MPEG or
Both CBR and VBR traffic are supported for narrowcast and broadcast applications. The C..200 series unit is the only product which can at one and the same time make the most efficient use of the RF bandwidth and maintain video quality concurrently using tools such as the statistical multiplex- ing of all MPEG video and DOCSIS traffic and the dynamical scheduling of MPEG and IP traffic.
Extensive Applications
For configuration and management the C..200 series unit proffers a Command Line Interface (CLI) and an SNMP. Opera- tional functions such as “show cable modem”, “show ARP”, spectral manage- ment, CPU and memory resources report- ing, user privilege management are all included in the latest product release.
Further extensive IP functions, such as DHCP relay and option 82, several DHCP servers, proxy ARP, IP