Before Calling for Service
Your Kenmore refrigerator isan electrical appliance and should
be unplugged before changing the light bulb or other servicing
that involves the eIectricatsystem.
Before Replacing Light Bulb
Instructions for changing light bulb is on the permanent use anti care label on the inside door of your refrigerator.
See if your questions can be answered on this page.
My Refrigerator is Too Warm
[ Check the light bulb.
2.Make sure the power cord plug is making full contact in the wall outlet, Check the outlet with another appliance or lamp.
3, Check the fuse box for a blown fuse or tripped circuit breaker.
My Refrigerator Has Stopped Running and The
Light is Not On
I_ Check the power source.
2.Keep the refrigerator door closed to keep food cold until power returns.
3.When the power is off for more than 5 hours, fill extra space in freezer with dry ice or transfer the food to the nearest food locker.
My Refrigerator Sounds Noisy
1.Make sure the cabinet is level from side to side and from front to back. Make sure the cabinet is not touching the wall and rests squarely on the floor.
2.Make sure the condenser is free of lint and dust.
3, Check to be sure tbod containers or bottles inside the refri_erator_ are not touchim,_, or rattling.
There is an Odor in My Refrigerator
l.Check covers on food containers in h_th sections_ Check for spilled foods.
2.Clean both sections.
Ice Has an Odd Flavor
Ice, regardless of how it is made, will sometimes develop an
off flavor or color if it is kept too long. To avoid this, empty
the trays and make a completely new supply about once a month.
To Further Add To The Value of Your Kenmore,
Buy a Sears Maintenance Agreement
Sears Kenmore refrigerators are designed, manufactured and tested for years of dependable operation. Yet, any modern appl.iance may require service from time to time. The Sears
warranty plus the Sears maintenance agreement provides protection from unexpected repair bills.
Sears Service Is At Your Service
Your Kenmore has added value when you consider that Sears has over 2,000 service units staffed by
technicians . . .professional technicians specifically trained on
Sears appliances, having the parts, tools and equipment to
ensure that we meet our pledge to you..."We Service What We Sell.'"
Model Number Location
If you ever need service, be sure to give the complete ten digit model number. It's on a small label on the back of the
refrigerator. For example if you have Kenmore 99482 Your complete number may be 564.99482990
To Order Repair Parts, See The List That Came
With Your Refrigerator.