
Asset Management with ROI

The NEXEDGE™ System Manager for NXDN®trunked sites
and networks reduces operational and maintenance costs
with remote programming, firmware uploading, subscriber
unit privileging, monitoring and diagnostic capabilities all from
a secure user-friendly Windows®-based application via direct
connection, dial-up modem, or IP connection.

Secure Privacy

NEXEDGE’s NXDN®digital signal offers inherent security
against casual electronic eavesdropping versus easily
intercepted analog radio. The built-in NXDN®scrambling
provides security and confidentiality for communications
within the same sy stem and talk group. Inter-site IP links
are further secured throughen crypted VPN tunneli ng. The
NEXEDGE™ system manager allows operators to
validate/invalidate unit and group IDs for system access
via IP access as fleet organization changes or as temporary
or seasonal users come and go. Each NEXEDGE™
subscriber radio has a factory embedded unchangeable
unique one-of-a-kind Electronic Serial Number (ESN) that
can be invalidated to prohibit access to unauthorized,
cloned, lost or stolen radios while preserving the organization’s
unit and talk group ID numbering schemes.

Critical Features for Critical Jobs

NEXEDGE™ 65,519 ID range accommodates group and
individual private unit-to-unit calling for large fleets and
multi-user shared systems.
The NEXEDGE™ Over-the-Air Alias feature sends each
user’s text name over the air, providing a user friendly caller
ID even if the receiving radios alias list hasn’t been updated.
Paging with alert provides traditional “beeper” and talk back
pager functionality while voice storage options allow users
to recall and playback missed dispatcher voice calls. Emergency
features can alert a dispatcher, a supervisor or a whole talk
group to a unit in distress. The All Group Call and Broadcast
Call features provide facility-wide general announcements
or communications command and control during emergency
evacuation or lock down procedures. Remote Stun/Kill and
Revive temporarily or permanently disables lost or
compromised subscriber units that may compromise
security or cause system interference and Remote Check
enables a dispatcher to verify if a unit is in system range. All
subscribershave simultaneous voice and GPS capability for
automatic fleet tracking.