If you are using a PC with a communication program to control the built-in TNC, prepare the RS-232C cable (straight) to connect with the COM
terminal of the transceiver. Then, access Menu No. 56 and select the same communication speed and communications parameters. Other
than 4800 bps, the parameters must be set to 8-bit, 1-stop bit, and non-parity. 4800 bps is also used for the Quick Data Transfer function
{page 80} and the communication parameters are fixed as 8-bit, 2-stop bit, and non-parity.
To use the above commands, you must operate the transceiver in Packet communication mode. The default operation mode is PC Control
Command mode {page 113}. To switch to Packet communication mode, either set Menu No. 55 to “ON” {pages 25, 49} or key in “TC 0”
{page 138}.
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