This function automatically selects an offset direction,
according to the frequency that you select on the
144 MHz band. The transceiver is programmed for
offset directions as shown below. To obtain an up-to-
date band plan for repeater offset direction, contact
your national Amateur Radio association.
Access Menu No. 43 and switch the function ON or
OFF. The default is ON.
K-type (U.S.A. and Canada versions)
This complies with the standard ARRL band plan.
All E-types (European versions)
Automatic Repeater Offset does not function when Reverse is
ON. However, pressing [TF-SET] after Automatic Repeater
Offset has selected an offset (split) status, exchanges the receive
and transmit frequencies.
If you change the offset direction by pressing
[0/ SHIFT/OFFSET] when Automatic Repeater Offset is ON, the
Shift direction on the above figure is applied when you change
the frequencies.
After programming an offset on the 29, 50, 144,
430/ 440 MHz, and 1.2 GHz (Optional) band, the
reverse function exchanges a separate receive and
transmit frequency. So, while using a repeater, you
can manually check the strength of a signal that you
receive directly from the other station. If the station’s
signal is strong, both stations should move to a
simplex frequency to free up the repeater.
Press [TF-SET] to switch the Reverse function ON
(or OFF) while the Shift function is active.
“R” appears when the Reverse function is ON.
If you press [TF-SET] and try to receive outside the available
receive frequency, the transceiver will not allow you to tune the
frequency. The Reverse function will not operate.
Automatic Repeater Offset does not function while Reverse is
You cannot switch Reverse ON or OFF while transmitting.
ASC functions only when you have programmed an
offset on the 29, 50, 144, 430/ 440 MHz or 1.2 GHz
(Optional) band. While using a repeater, ASC
periodically monitors the strength of a signal that you
receive directly from the other station. If the station’s
signal is strong enough to allow direct contact without
a repeater, the ASC indicator on the display starts to
Press and hold [TF-SET] for approximately 1 second
to switch the function ON.
The “[R]” indicator appears when the function is
When direct contact is possible, the “[R]” indicator
To quit the function, press [TF-SET].
Pressing Mic [PTT] causes the ASC indicator to stop blinking.
ASC does not function if your transmit and receive frequencies
are the same (simplex operation).
ASC does not function while scanning.
Activating ASC while using Reverse switches Reverse OFF.
If you recall a memory channel or the Call channel that has the
Reverse status ON, ASC is switched OFF.
ASC causes received audio to be momentarily intermitted every
3 seconds.
This function scans through all tone frequencies to
identify the incoming tone frequency on a received
signal. You can use this function to find which tone
frequency is required by your local repeater.
1Press [FUNC], [4/ TONE/SEL].
The current tone frequency appears.
2Press [SCAN/ SG.SEL] to activate the Tone
Freq. ID.
“T” blinks and every Tone frequency is
scanned. When the Tone frequency is
identified, the transceiver stops scanning and
the identified frequency is displayed.
Press [SCAN/ SG.SEL] again to resume
Press [SCAN/ SG.SEL] to stop scanning while
the Tone frequency ID scan is active.
144.0 145.5 146.4 147.0 147.6
145.1 146.0 146.6 147.4 148.0 MHz
S: Simplex
S: Simplex
144.0 146.0 MHz145.8145.6