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Account No.: 292-002101-059885


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Ç ôá÷õäñïìéêÞ ìáò äéåýèõíóç:

Kompernass Service EëëÜäá Kalothanassi G. Amalia 10-12 Thiatiron Str.

14231 N.Ionia Athens Óçìáíôéêü:

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Page 76
Image 76
Kompernass KH 107 operating instructions ÊÜñôá ðáñáããåëßáò ¸ôóé ìðïñåßôå íá ðáñáããåßëåôå, Kalothanassi G. Amalia

KH 107 specifications

The Kompernass KH 107 stands as a versatile and practical kitchen appliance designed to enhance culinary experiences in any home. Aimed at cooking enthusiasts and everyday users alike, this multifunctional device is particularly known for its efficiency and convenience in food preparation.

One of the prominent features of the Kompernass KH 107 is its powerful motor, which allows for quick and efficient blending, chopping, and mixing. With its robust performance, it can easily handle a variety of ingredients, making it suitable for everything from smoothies and soups to sauces and dips. The ergonomic design ensures comfortable handling, while the lightweight structure makes it easy to maneuver during use.

The KH 107 is equipped with several speed settings, allowing users to customize their blending experience according to the specific requirements of their recipes. The variable speed control is essential for achieving the perfect consistency, whether it's a creamy puree or chunky salsa. Furthermore, the pulse function provides an extra boost of power for those tougher ingredients, ensuring that everything is processed evenly.

One of the technological advancements of the Kompernass KH 107 is its stainless steel blades, which are designed to be both sharp and durable. These high-quality blades not only enhance performance but also facilitate easy cleaning, making maintenance a breeze. The blender features a detachable blending shaft, which can be washed under running water or placed in the dishwasher, promoting hygiene and convenience.

The compact design of the KH 107 makes it a space-saving solution for modern kitchens. Its easy-to-store feature is ideal for those with limited counter space, while the aesthetically pleasing design allows it to blend seamlessly with various kitchen decors. Additionally, the safety features, such as the automatic shut-off function, provide peace of mind during operation.

In summary, the Kompernass KH 107 is a commendable addition to any kitchen, combining power, versatility, and ease of use. With its array of features, including adjustable speeds, durable stainless steel blades, and a compact design, it caters to diverse culinary needs and enhances the overall cooking experience for all users. Whether you're a seasoned chef or a novice cook, this appliance is sure to become a staple in your culinary toolkit.