Before setting up the printer, see the safety informa-
tionin the User’s Guide , included in PDF format on the
Utilities and Documentation CD-ROM.
1 Remove the Packing Materials
Keep all of the packing materials in case you ever
need to move the printer.
2 Choose a Location
■Space Requirements
Provide enough space around the printer to
ensure easy printer operation, paper and toner
replacement, and maintenance.
Setu p the printer in a place that is
• dryand free from dust
• ona stable s urface
• wellventi lated
• nearan eas ilyac cessible power socket
• awayfrom o bjects which might obstruct the
printer’s ventilation grille
• awayfrom h ighlyf lammable items (such as cur-
• awayfrom s plashing liquids
• awayfro mo rganic gases (such as ammonia)
• awayfrom d irect sunlight
• awayfromsevere temperaturefluctuations
• awayfrom exhaust-air from heating, ventilation ,
and air-conditioning systems
15.6"( 395 mm)
3 InstallOptional Accessories
If you purchased a lower feeder unit, face-up outpu t
tray,and/or extra memory, install them now. Instruc-
tions are included in the User’s Guide (in PDF format
onthe Utiliti es and Documenta tion CD-ROM).
4 Set up the Printer
■Load Paper into Tray 1
■Connect the Power Cord
Use only the power cord supplied with the printer.
1Makesure that the
printer’s power
switch is in the “O”
2Plugone endof the
power cord that
comes with the
printer into the power cord socket on the back of
thepr inter.P lug the other end into a power outlet.
■Turnon the Printer
Set the power switch to the “I”
(ON) position. The printer is
ready to use in approximately
20 seconds. The gre en
“Ready”i ndicator should be on
(but not blinking) and the
orange“Error” indicator off.
■Testthe Printer
Print a configuration page to ensure that the printer is
operating correctly.
1With the green “Ready” indicator on
(butnot blinking) an d the orange “Error”
indicator off, briefly press the panel
button. All indicators blink rapidly.
2Pressthe pane lbutto nt wo more times.
Ac onfiguration page prints.
5 Connect the Printert o a PC
Ify ou’re connecting the printer to a Macintosh, skip to
the next section, “Connect the Printer to a Macinto sh.”
• IBM-compatiblePC witha Pentium 133 MHz
• Windows XP/Me/2000/98/95/NT 4.0
• 15MB free hard disk space
• IEEE 1284 Type B parallel port or USB port
• CD-ROMdrive
■ParallelInterface (WindowsXP/2000/Me/
Using the wrong type of cable can damage the
socket on the printer. Use only an I EEE 1284 type B
shielded interface cable.
1Turnoff bo th the
printer and the
2Connect one end
of the interface
cable to the
parallel port of the
3Connect the other
end of the interface cable to the parallel interface
connector on the back of the printer. Secure the
cableusing the two clips.
4Turnon the printer and then, when it’s ready, turn
onthe PC.
5If you’re using Windows XP/Me/2000/98, plug-
and-play printer driver installation should start
automatically.F ollow the instructions on the
If you’re using Windows 95/NT 4.0, or if plug-and-
play doesn’t start automatically, use the instruc-
tions in Section 7, “Install a Windows Driver,” to
install the printer driver manually.
■USB Interface (Wi ndows XP/2000/Me/9 8)
Using the wrong type of cable can damage the
socket on the printer. Use only a USB Revision 1.1
1Turnoff bo th the
PC and the
2Turn on the PC.
3Turn on the
4When Windows
andthe printer are
both ready,conne ct one end of the interface cable
tothe PC’s USBport.
5Connect the other end of the inter face cable to the
USB interface connector on the b ack of the printer.
6Plug-and-play printer driver installation should
start automatically. Follow the instructions on the
screen. If plug-and-play doesn’t start
automatically,use theinstructionsin Section7,
“Install a Windows Driver,” to install the printer
driver manually.
When asked to search fora dri ver,select “Display
can select the driver you want,” and then locate
the driver in the appropriate directory.