6 Connect the Printerto a Macintosh
■Minimum System Requirem ents
• AppleMaci ntosh computer with a PowerPC 604
• Macintosh OS 9/OS X
• 128MB RA M
• 15MBfreeharddiskspace
• USBport
• CD-ROMdrive
■USB InterfaceOnly
Using the wrong type of cable can damage the
socket on the printer. Use only a USB Revision 1.1
compliant cable.
1Turnon bo th the Macintosh and the printer.
2When the
Macintosh and
thep rinter are
both ready,
connect one end
ofth e interface
cable to the
3Connect the other end of the interface cable to the
USB interface connector on the back of the printer.
4Go to Section 8, “Insta ll a Macintosh Drive r.”
7 Installa Windows Driver
Ify ou’ve connected the printer to a Macintosh, go to
Section8, “Install a MacintoshDriver.”
1Insert theCD- ROM in your PC’s CD-ROM drive.
The setup program automatically starts.
2Follow the instructions on the screen toin stallthe
printer driver and printer management utilities.
3Register your printer in one of the following ways:
• On the Main Menu screen, choose Register
(Internet connection required).
• Go to http://printer.konicaminolta.net/r egister
(Internet connection required).
• Fill out and mail in the re gistration card that
came with thepr inter.
4On the Main Menu screen, choose Exit to close
thes etup program.
5Remove the CD-ROM, and store it in a safe place.
8 Installa Macintosh Driver
1Insert theCD- ROM in your Macintosh’s CD-ROM
2Double-click the MINOLTA-QMSi con to start the
installation program.
3Double-click the Install icon.
4Follow the instructions on the screen toc omplete
thei nstallation of the required fileso ny our
5Open the Macintosh Hard Disk icon on the
6Open the Apple Extras folder (OS 9) or
Applications folder (OS 9.1 or later) .
7Open the Apple LaserWriter Software folder
(OS 9) or Utilities folder (OS 9.1 or later).
8Double-clickDesktopPrinter Utility.
9Select Printer (USB) from the Create Desktop list,
and then choose OK.
10 Click [Change] from the PostScript Printer
description (PPD) file section to select a specific
11 Select MINOLTA-QMSPagePro 1250E, and then
choose Select.
12 Click [Change] from the USB Printer Selectio n
section to select the USB printer.
13 Select PagePro 1250E, and then choose OK.
14 Choose Create.
15 Select the location and name for your printer, and
thenc hoose Save. This completes the installation
ofthe printer driver and the specification of the
USB printer settings.
16 Remove the CD-ROM and store it in a safe place.
17 Register your printer in one of the following ways:
• Go to http://printer.konicaminolta.net/re gister
(Internet connection required).
• Fill out and mail in the registration card that
came with the printer.
9 Safety Information
■Laser Safety
This is a pagep rinter which operates by means of a
laser.Ther e is no possibility of danger from the laser,
provided the printer is operated according to th e
instructions in this manual.
Since radiation emitted by the laser is complete ly con-
fined within protective housing, the laser beam cannot
escape from the machine during any phase of user
■InternalLaser Radiation
Maximuma verage radiation power: 35 µW at the laser
aperture of the print head unit.
Wavelength: 770–795 nm.
This product employs a Class 3b la ser diode that
emits an invisible laser beam. The lase r diode and the
scanning polygon mirror are incorporated in the print
head unit.
The print head unit is NOT A FIELD SERVICEABLE
ITEM. Therefore, the print head unit should not be
opened under any circumstances.
■ForUnited States Users—
CDRH Regulation
This machine is certified as a Class 1 Laser product
under the Radiation Performance Standard according
to the Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act of 1990. Compl i-
ance is mandatory for Laser prod ucts marketed in the
United States and is reported to the Center for
Devices and RadiologicalHealth (CDRH) of the US
Food and Drug Administration of the US Department
of Health and Human Services (DHHS). This means
that this device does not produce hazardous laser
The label shown below indicates compliance wi th the
CDRHr egulations and must be attached to laser prod-
ucts marketed in the United States.
■LaserSafety Label
Use of controls, adjustments or
performance of procedures other than
those specified in this manual may result
inh azardous radiation exposure.
Laser aperture of the
printh ead unit
Thisi s a semiconductor laser. The maximum power o f
the laser diode is 5 mW and the wavelength is 770–
795 nm. A laser safety label is attached to the back of
the printer.
■Laser Caution Label
A laser caution label is attached inside the printer.
During printer operation, a small quantity of ozone i s
released. This amount is not large enough to har m
anyone adversely. However, be sure the room where
the printer is being used has adequate ventilation,
especially if you are printing a high volume of
materials or if the printer is being used continuously
over a long period.
■For European Users—CE Marki ng
(Declarationof Conformity)
Thisproduc t complies with the f ollowing EU directives:
89/336/EEC, 73/23/EEC, and 93/68/EEC. This decla-
ration is valid for the area of the European Union (EU)
This device must be used with a shielded parallel
interface cable or shielded USB interface cable. Th e
use of non-shielded cables is likely to result in interfer-
ence with radio communications and is prohibited
under 89/336/EEC rules.
KONICA MINOLTAis a trademark or a registered
PagePro is a trademark or a regis tered trademark of
Allother trademarksare theproperty of thei r respective
Copyrighted (c) 2003b y KONICA MINOLTAB USI-
NESS TECHNOLOGIES, INC., Marunouchi Center
Building. 1-6-1 Marunouchi, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo, 100-
0005, Japan. All Rights Reserved.