Setting Up the Printer Web Page98
" Our examples represent the IP address of the printer with: Always enter your printer's IP ad dress without lead-
ing zeros. For example, should be entered as
Internet Explorer (version 6.0 for Windows)
1Start Internet Explorer.
2From the Tools menu
choose Internet Options.
3Select the Connections tab
on the dialog box.
4Choose the LAN Settings
button to display the Local
Area Network (LAN) Set-
tings dialog box.
5Select Advanced in Proxy
server to open the Proxy Set-
tings dialog box.
6In the Exceptions text box,
type a comma after the last
entry and then type the
printer name or the IP
address of your printer.
7Choose OK three times to return to the main browser window.
8Enter the printer’s IP address in the URL Address box to access the
printer home page.